# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # eip_status.py # Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ EIP Status Panel widget implementation """ import logging from datetime import datetime from functools import partial from PySide import QtCore, QtGui from leap.bitmask.config import flags from leap.bitmask.services import get_service_display_name, EIP_SERVICE from leap.bitmask.platform_init import IS_LINUX from leap.bitmask.util.averages import RateMovingAverage from leap.common.check import leap_assert_type from ui_eip_status import Ui_EIPStatus QtDelayedCall = QtCore.QTimer.singleShot logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class EIPStatusWidget(QtGui.QWidget): """ EIP Status widget that displays the current state of the EIP service """ DISPLAY_TRAFFIC_RATES = True RATE_STR = "%1.2f KB/s" TOTAL_STR = "%1.2f Kb" def __init__(self, parent=None, eip_conductor=None): """ :param parent: the parent of the widget. :type parent: QObject :param eip_conductor: an EIPConductor object. :type eip_conductor: EIPConductor """ QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self._systray = None self._eip_status_menu = None self.ui = Ui_EIPStatus() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.eip_conductor = eip_conductor self.eipconnection = eip_conductor.eip_connection # set systray tooltip status self._eip_status = "" self._service_name = get_service_display_name(EIP_SERVICE) self.ui.eip_bandwidth.hide() self.hide_fw_down_button() self.ui.btnFwDown.clicked.connect( self._on_fw_down_button_clicked) # Set the EIP status icons self.CONNECTING_ICON = None self.CONNECTED_ICON = None self.ERROR_ICON = None self.CONNECTING_ICON_TRAY = None self.CONNECTED_ICON_TRAY = None self.ERROR_ICON_TRAY = None self._set_eip_icons() self._set_traffic_rates() self._make_status_clickable() self._provider = "" self.is_restart = False self.is_cold_start = True self.missing_helpers = False # Action for the systray self._eip_disabled_action = QtGui.QAction( "{0} is {1}".format(self._service_name, self.tr("disabled")), self) def connect_backend_signals(self): """ Connect backend signals. """ signaler = self.eip_conductor._backend.signaler signaler.eip_openvpn_already_running.connect( self._on_eip_openvpn_already_running) signaler.eip_alien_openvpn_already_running.connect( self._on_eip_alien_openvpn_already_running) signaler.eip_openvpn_not_found_error.connect( self._on_eip_openvpn_not_found_error) signaler.eip_vpn_launcher_exception.connect( self._on_eip_vpn_launcher_exception) signaler.eip_no_polkit_agent_error.connect( self._on_eip_no_polkit_agent_error) signaler.eip_connection_aborted.connect( self._on_eip_connection_aborted) signaler.eip_no_pkexec_error.connect(self._on_eip_no_pkexec_error) signaler.eip_no_tun_kext_error.connect(self._on_eip_no_tun_kext_error) signaler.eip_state_changed.connect(self.update_vpn_state) signaler.eip_status_changed.connect(self.update_vpn_status) # XXX we cannot connect this signal now because # it interferes with the proper notifications during restarts # without available network. #signaler.eip_network_unreachable.connect( #self._on_eip_network_unreachable) def _make_status_clickable(self): """ Makes upload and download figures clickable. """ onclicked = self._on_VPN_status_clicked self.ui.btnUpload.clicked.connect(onclicked) self.ui.btnDownload.clicked.connect(onclicked) @QtCore.Slot() def _on_VPN_status_clicked(self): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.btnUpload.clicked self.ui.btnDownload.clicked Toggles between rate and total throughput display for vpn status figures. """ self.DISPLAY_TRAFFIC_RATES = not self.DISPLAY_TRAFFIC_RATES self.update_vpn_status() # refresh def _set_traffic_rates(self): """ Initializes up and download rates. """ self._up_rate = RateMovingAverage() self._down_rate = RateMovingAverage() self.ui.btnUpload.setText(self.RATE_STR % (0,)) self.ui.btnDownload.setText(self.RATE_STR % (0,)) def _reset_traffic_rates(self): """ Resets up and download rates, and cleans up the labels. """ self._up_rate.reset() self._down_rate.reset() self.update_vpn_status() def _update_traffic_rates(self, up, down): """ Updates up and download rates. :param up: upload total. :type up: int :param down: download total. :type down: int """ ts = datetime.now() self._up_rate.append((ts, up)) self._down_rate.append((ts, down)) def _get_traffic_rates(self): """ Gets the traffic rates (in KB/s). :returns: a tuple with the (up, down) rates :rtype: tuple """ up = self._up_rate down = self._down_rate return (up.get_average(), down.get_average()) def _get_traffic_totals(self): """ Gets the traffic total throughput (in Kb). :returns: a tuple with the (up, down) totals :rtype: tuple """ up = self._up_rate down = self._down_rate return (up.get_total(), down.get_total()) def _set_eip_icons(self): """ Sets the EIP status icons for the main window and for the tray MAC : dark icons LINUX : dark icons in window, light icons in tray WIN : light icons """ EIP_ICONS = EIP_ICONS_TRAY = ( ":/images/black/32/wait.png", ":/images/black/32/on.png", ":/images/black/32/off.png") if IS_LINUX: EIP_ICONS_TRAY = ( ":/images/white/32/wait.png", ":/images/white/32/on.png", ":/images/white/32/off.png") self.CONNECTING_ICON = QtGui.QPixmap(EIP_ICONS[0]) self.CONNECTED_ICON = QtGui.QPixmap(EIP_ICONS[1]) self.ERROR_ICON = QtGui.QPixmap(EIP_ICONS[2]) self.CONNECTING_ICON_TRAY = QtGui.QPixmap(EIP_ICONS_TRAY[0]) self.CONNECTED_ICON_TRAY = QtGui.QPixmap(EIP_ICONS_TRAY[1]) self.ERROR_ICON_TRAY = QtGui.QPixmap(EIP_ICONS_TRAY[2]) # Systray and actions def set_systray(self, systray): """ Sets the systray object to use and adds the service line for EIP. :param systray: Systray object :type systray: QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon """ leap_assert_type(systray, QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon) self._systray = systray eip_status = self.tr("{0}: OFF").format(self._service_name) self._systray.set_service_tooltip(EIP_SERVICE, eip_status) def _update_systray_tooltip(self): """ Updates the system tray tooltip using the eip status. """ if self._systray is not None: eip_status = u"{0}: {1}".format( self._service_name, self._eip_status) self._systray.set_service_tooltip(EIP_SERVICE, eip_status) def set_action_eip_startstop(self, action_eip_startstop): """ Set the action_eip_startstop to use. :param action_eip_startstop: action_eip_status to be used :type action_eip_startstop: QtGui.QAction """ self._action_eip_startstop = action_eip_startstop def set_eip_status_menu(self, eip_status_menu): """ Sets the eip_status_menu to use. :param eip_status_menu: eip_status_menu to be used :type eip_status_menu: QtGui.QMenu """ leap_assert_type(eip_status_menu, QtGui.QMenu) self._eip_status_menu = eip_status_menu # EIP status --- @property def eip_button(self): return self.ui.btnEipStartStop @property def eip_label(self): return self.ui.lblEIPStatus def eip_pre_up(self): """ Triggered when the app activates eip. Disables the start/stop button. """ self.set_startstop_enabled(False) msg = self.tr("Encrypted Internet is starting") self.set_eip_message(msg) @QtCore.Slot() def disable_eip_start(self): """ Triggered when a default provider_config has not been found. Disables the start button and adds instructions to the user. """ logger.debug('Hiding EIP start button') # you might be tempted to change this for a .setEnabled(False). # it won't work. it's under the claws of the state machine. # probably the best thing would be to make a conditional # transition there, but that's more involved. self.eip_button.hide() if self.missing_helpers: msg = self.tr( "<font color=red>Disabled: missing helper files</font>") else: msg = self.tr( "You must login to use {0}".format(self._service_name)) self.eip_label.setText(msg) self._eip_status_menu.setTitle("{0} is {1}".format( self._service_name, self.tr("disabled"))) # Replace EIP tray menu with an action that displays a "disabled" text if self.isVisible(): menu = self._systray.contextMenu() menu.insertAction( self._eip_status_menu.menuAction(), self._eip_disabled_action) self._eip_status_menu.menuAction().setVisible(False) @QtCore.Slot() def enable_eip_start(self): """ Triggered after a successful login. Enables the start button. """ #logger.debug('Showing EIP start button') self.eip_button.show() # Restore the eip action menu menu = self._systray.contextMenu() menu.removeAction(self._eip_disabled_action) if self.isVisible(): self._eip_status_menu.menuAction().setVisible(True) def set_eip_message(self, message): """ Set the EIP Widget main message. :param message: the message to set in the widget :type message: str or unicode """ self.ui.lblEIPMessage.setText(message) self.ui.lblEIPMessage.show() def set_eip_status(self, status, error=False): """ Set the status label at the VPN stage to status. :param status: status message :type status: str or unicode :param error: if the status is an erroneous one, then set this to True :type error: bool """ leap_assert_type(error, bool) if error: logger.error(status) else: logger.debug(status) self._eip_status = status if error: status = "<font color='red'>%s</font>" % (status,) self.ui.lblEIPStatus.setText(status) self.ui.lblEIPStatus.show() self._update_systray_tooltip() # XXX disable --------------------------------- def set_startstop_enabled(self, value): """ Enable or disable btnEipStartStop and _action_eip_startstop based on value :param value: True for enabled, False otherwise :type value: bool """ # TODO use disable_eip_start instead # this should be handled by the state machine leap_assert_type(value, bool) self.ui.btnEipStartStop.setEnabled(value) self._action_eip_startstop.setEnabled(value) # XXX disable ----------------------------- def eip_started(self): """ Sets the state of the widget to how it should look after EIP has started """ self.ui.btnEipStartStop.disconnect(self) self.ui.btnEipStartStop.clicked.connect( self.eipconnection.qtsigs.do_connect_signal) def hide_fw_down_button(self): """ Hide firewall-down button. """ self.ui.btnFwDown.hide() def show_fw_down_button(self): """ Enable firewall-down button. """ retry_msg = self.tr("Retry") self.ui.btnEipStartStop.setText(retry_msg) self._action_eip_startstop.setText(retry_msg) self.ui.btnFwDown.show() def _on_fw_down_button_clicked(self): """ Raise a signal for tearing down the firewall, and hide the button afterwards. """ self.eip_conductor._backend.tear_fw_down() QtDelayedCall(50, self.hide_fw_down_button) # XXX do actual check msg = "Traffic is being routed in the clear." self.ui.btnEipStartStop.setText(self.tr("Turn ON")) self.set_eip_message(msg) self.set_eip_status("") @QtCore.Slot(dict) def eip_stopped(self, restart=False, failed=False): """ TRIGGERS: EIPConductor.qtsigs.disconnected_signal Sets the state of the widget to how it should look after EIP has stopped """ self.set_country_code("") self._reset_traffic_rates() self.ui.eip_bandwidth.hide() # This is assuming the firewall works correctly, but we should test fw # status positively. # Or better call it from the conductor... clear_traffic = self.tr("Traffic is being routed in the clear.") unreachable_net = self.tr("Network is unreachable.") failed_msg = self.tr("Error connecting") if restart: msg = unreachable_net elif failed: msg = failed_msg else: msg = clear_traffic self.set_eip_message(msg) self.ui.lblEIPStatus.show() self.show() def eip_failed_to_connect(self): """ Update EIP messages with error during (re)connection. """ msg = self.tr("Error connecting.") self.ui.lblEIPMessage.setText(msg) self.ui.lblEIPStatus.show() self.set_eip_status(self.tr("Bitmask is blocking " "unencrypted traffic.")) self.show_fw_down_button() @QtCore.Slot(dict) def update_vpn_status(self, data=None): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_status_changed Updates the download/upload labels based on the data provided by the VPN thread. If data is None, we just will refresh the display based on the previous data. :param data: a tuple with download/upload totals (download, upload). :type data: tuple """ if data is not None: try: upload, download = map(float, data) self._update_traffic_rates(upload, download) except Exception: # discard invalid data return if self.DISPLAY_TRAFFIC_RATES: uprate, downrate = self._get_traffic_rates() upload_str = self.RATE_STR % (uprate,) download_str = self.RATE_STR % (downrate,) else: # display total throughput uptotal, downtotal = self._get_traffic_totals() upload_str = self.TOTAL_STR % (uptotal,) download_str = self.TOTAL_STR % (downtotal,) self.ui.btnUpload.setText(upload_str) self.ui.btnDownload.setText(download_str) @QtCore.Slot(dict) def update_vpn_state(self, vpn_state): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_state_changed Updates the displayed VPN state based on the data provided by the VPN thread. :param vpn_state: the state of the VPN :type vpn_state: dict Emits: If the vpn_state is connected, we emit EIPConnection.qtsigs. connected_signal """ self.set_eip_status_icon(vpn_state) if vpn_state == "CONNECTED": self.ui.eip_bandwidth.show() self.ui.lblEIPStatus.hide() # XXX should be handled by the state machine too. # --- is this currently being sent? self.eipconnection.qtsigs.connected_signal.emit() self._on_eip_connected() self.is_cold_start = False # XXX should lookup vpn_state map in EIPConnection elif vpn_state == "AUTH": self.set_eip_status(self.tr("Authenticating...")) # we wipe up any previous error info in the EIP message # when we detect vpn authentication is happening msg = self.tr("Encrypted Internet is starting") self.set_eip_message(msg) # on the first-run path, we hadn't showed the button yet. self.eip_button.show() elif vpn_state == "GET_CONFIG": self.set_eip_status(self.tr("Retrieving configuration...")) elif vpn_state == "WAIT": self.set_eip_status(self.tr("Waiting to start...")) elif vpn_state == "ASSIGN_IP": self.set_eip_status(self.tr("Assigning IP")) elif vpn_state == "RECONNECTING": self.set_eip_status(self.tr("Reconnecting...")) elif vpn_state == "ALREADYRUNNING": # Put the following calls in Qt's event queue, otherwise # the UI won't update properly #self.send_disconnect_signal() QtDelayedCall( 0, self.eipconnection.qtsigns.do_disconnect_signal.emit) msg = self.tr("Unable to start VPN, it's already running.") QtDelayedCall(0, partial(self.set_eip_status, msg)) else: self.set_eip_status(vpn_state) def set_eip_icon(self, icon): """ Sets the icon to display for EIP :param icon: icon to display :type icon: QPixmap """ self.ui.lblVPNStatusIcon.setPixmap(icon) def set_eip_status_icon(self, status): """ Given a status step from the VPN thread, set the icon properly :param status: status step :type status: str """ selected_pixmap = self.ERROR_ICON selected_pixmap_tray = self.ERROR_ICON_TRAY tray_message = self.tr("{0}: OFF".format(self._service_name)) if status in ("WAIT", "AUTH", "GET_CONFIG", "RECONNECTING", "ASSIGN_IP"): selected_pixmap = self.CONNECTING_ICON selected_pixmap_tray = self.CONNECTING_ICON_TRAY tray_message = self.tr("{0}: Starting...").format( self._service_name) elif status in ("CONNECTED"): tray_message = self.tr("{0}: ON".format(self._service_name)) selected_pixmap = self.CONNECTED_ICON selected_pixmap_tray = self.CONNECTED_ICON_TRAY self._eip_status = 'ON' self._update_systray_tooltip() self.set_eip_icon(selected_pixmap) self._systray.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(selected_pixmap_tray)) self._eip_status_menu.setTitle(tray_message) def set_provider(self, provider): self._provider = provider self.ui.lblEIPMessage.setText( self.tr("Routing traffic through: <b>{0}</b>").format( provider)) ccode = flags.CURRENT_VPN_COUNTRY if ccode is not None: self.set_country_code(ccode) def set_country_code(self, code): """ Set the pixmap of the given country code :param code: the country code :type code: str """ if code is not None and len(code) == 2: img = ":/images/countries/%s.png" % (code.lower(),) else: img = None cc = self.ui.lblGatewayCountryCode cc.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(img)) cc.setToolTip(code) def aborted(self): """ Notify the state machine that EIP was aborted for some reason. """ # signal connection_aborted to state machine: qtsigs = self.eipconnection.qtsigs qtsigs.connection_aborted_signal.emit() # # Slots for signals # @QtCore.Slot() def _on_eip_connection_aborted(self): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_connection_aborted """ # TODO this name is very misleading, since there's a generic signal # that's called connection_aborted / connection_died... # should rename to something more specific about missing config. logger.error("Tried to start EIP but cannot find any " "available provider!") eip_status_label = self.tr("Could not load {0} configuration.") eip_status_label = eip_status_label.format( self.eip_conductor.eip_name) self.set_eip_status(eip_status_label, error=True) self.aborted() def _on_eip_openvpn_already_running(self): self.set_eip_status( self.tr("Another openvpn instance is already running, and " "could not be stopped."), error=True) self.set_eipstatus_off() self.aborted() def _on_eip_alien_openvpn_already_running(self): self.set_eip_status( self.tr("Another openvpn instance is already running, and " "could not be stopped because it was not launched by " "Bitmask. Please stop it and try again."), error=True) self.set_eipstatus_off() self.aborted() def _on_eip_openvpn_not_found_error(self): self.set_eip_status( self.tr("We could not find openvpn binary."), error=True) self.set_eipstatus_off() self.aborted() def _on_eip_vpn_launcher_exception(self): # XXX We should implement again translatable exceptions so # we can pass a translatable string to the panel (usermessage attr) self.set_eip_status("VPN Launcher error.", error=True) self.set_eipstatus_off() self.aborted() def _on_eip_no_polkit_agent_error(self): self.set_eip_status( # XXX this should change to polkit-kde where # applicable. self.tr("We could not find any authentication agent in your " "system.<br/>Make sure you have" "<b>polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1</b> running and" "try again."), error=True) self.set_eipstatus_off() self.aborted() def _on_eip_no_pkexec_error(self): self.set_eip_status( self.tr("We could not find <b>pkexec</b> in your system."), error=True) self.set_eipstatus_off() self.aborted() def _on_eip_no_tun_kext_error(self): self.set_eip_status( self.tr("{0} cannot be started because the tuntap extension is " "not installed properly in your " "system.").format(self.eip_conductor.eip_name)) self.set_eipstatus_off() self.aborted() def _on_eip_connected(self): """ Reconnect the disconnecting signal when we are just connected, so that we restore the disconnecting -> stop behaviour. """ self.eip_conductor.reconnect_stop_signal() @QtCore.Slot() def _on_eip_network_unreachable(self): """ TRIGGERS: self._eip_connection.qtsigs.network_unreachable Displays a "network unreachable" error in the EIP status panel. """ self.set_eip_status(self.tr("Network is unreachable"), error=True) self.set_eip_status_icon("error") def set_eipstatus_off(self, error=True): # XXX this should be handled by the state machine. """ Sets eip status to off """ self.set_eip_status("", error=error) self.set_eip_status_icon("error") import eipstatus_rc assert(eipstatus_rc)