# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # eip_preferenceswindow.py # Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ EIP Preferences window """ import logging from functools import partial from PySide import QtCore, QtGui from leap.bitmask.config.leapsettings import LeapSettings from leap.bitmask.gui.ui_eippreferences import Ui_EIPPreferences logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class EIPPreferencesWindow(QtGui.QDialog): """ Window that displays the EIP preferences. """ def __init__(self, parent, domain, backend, leap_signaler): """ :param parent: parent object of the EIPPreferencesWindow. :type parent: QWidget :param domain: the selected by default domain. :type domain: unicode :param backend: Backend being used :type backend: Backend """ QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL = self.tr("Automatic") self._settings = LeapSettings() self._leap_signaler = leap_signaler self._backend = backend # Load UI self.ui = Ui_EIPPreferences() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False) # Connections self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.currentIndexChanged[int].connect( self._populate_gateways) self.ui.cbGateways.currentIndexChanged[unicode].connect( lambda x: self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False)) self._selected_domain = domain self._configured_providers = [] self._backend_connect() self._add_configured_providers() def _set_providers_gateway_status(self, status, success=False, error=False): """ Sets the status label for the gateway change. :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str :param success: is set to True if we should display the message as green :type success: bool :param error: is set to True if we should display the message as red :type error: bool """ if success: status = "<font color='green'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) elif error: status = "<font color='red'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(True) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setText(status) def _add_configured_providers(self): """ Add the client's configured providers to the providers combo boxes. """ providers = self._settings.get_configured_providers() if not providers: return self._backend.eip_get_initialized_providers(domains=providers) @QtCore.Slot(list) def _load_providers_in_combo(self, providers): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_get_initialized_providers Add the client's configured providers to the providers combo boxes. :param providers: the list of providers to add and whether each one is initialized or not. :type providers: list of tuples (str, bool) """ self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.clear() if not providers: self.ui.gbGatewaySelector.setEnabled(False) return for provider, is_initialized in providers: label = provider if not is_initialized: label += self.tr(" (uninitialized)") self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.addItem(label, userData=provider) # Select provider by name domain = self._selected_domain if domain is not None: provider_index = self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.findText( domain, QtCore.Qt.MatchStartsWith) self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.setCurrentIndex(provider_index) @QtCore.Slot(str) def _save_selected_gateway(self, provider): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked Saves the new gateway setting to the configuration file. :param provider: the provider config that we need to save. :type provider: str """ gateway = self.ui.cbGateways.currentText() if gateway == self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL: gateway = self._settings.GATEWAY_AUTOMATIC else: idx = self.ui.cbGateways.currentIndex() gateway = self.ui.cbGateways.itemData(idx) self._settings.set_selected_gateway(provider, gateway) self._backend.settings_set_selected_gateway(provider=provider, gateway=gateway) msg = self.tr( "Gateway settings for provider '{0}' saved.").format(provider) self._set_providers_gateway_status(msg, success=True) @QtCore.Slot(int) def _populate_gateways(self, domain_idx): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.currentIndexChanged[unicode] Loads the gateways that the provider provides into the UI for the user to select. :param domain: the domain index of the provider to load gateways from. :type domain: int """ # We hide the maybe-visible status label after a change self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False) if domain_idx == -1: return domain = self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.itemData(domain_idx) self._selected_domain = domain self._backend.eip_get_gateways_list(domain=domain) @QtCore.Slot(list) def _update_gateways_list(self, gateways): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_get_gateways_list :param gateways: a list of gateways :type gateways: list of unicode Add the available gateways and select the one stored in configuration file. """ self.ui.pbSaveGateway.setEnabled(True) self.ui.cbGateways.setEnabled(True) self.ui.cbGateways.clear() self.ui.cbGateways.addItem(self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL) try: # disconnect previously connected save method self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked.disconnect() except RuntimeError: pass # Signal was not connected # set the proper connection for the 'save' button domain = self._selected_domain save_gateway = partial(self._save_selected_gateway, domain) self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked.connect(save_gateway) selected_gateway = self._settings.get_selected_gateway( self._selected_domain) index = 0 for idx, (gw_name, gw_ip) in enumerate(gateways): gateway = "{0} ({1})".format(gw_name, gw_ip) self.ui.cbGateways.addItem(gateway, gw_ip) if gw_ip == selected_gateway: index = idx + 1 self.ui.cbGateways.setCurrentIndex(index) @QtCore.Slot() def _gateways_list_error(self): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_get_gateways_list_error An error has occurred retrieving the gateway list so we inform the user. """ self._set_providers_gateway_status( self.tr("There was a problem with configuration files."), error=True) self.ui.pbSaveGateway.setEnabled(False) self.ui.cbGateways.setEnabled(False) @QtCore.Slot() def _gateways_list_uninitialized(self): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_uninitialized_provider The requested provider in not initialized yet, so we give the user an error msg. """ self._set_providers_gateway_status( self.tr("This is an uninitialized provider, please log in first."), error=True) self.ui.pbSaveGateway.setEnabled(False) self.ui.cbGateways.setEnabled(False) def _backend_connect(self): sig = self._leap_signaler sig.eip_get_gateways_list.connect(self._update_gateways_list) sig.eip_get_gateways_list_error.connect(self._gateways_list_error) sig.eip_uninitialized_provider.connect( self._gateways_list_uninitialized) sig.eip_get_initialized_providers.connect( self._load_providers_in_combo)