# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # test_srpregister.py # Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Tests for: * leap/crypto/srpregister.py """ try: import unittest2 as unittest except ImportError: import unittest import os import sys from mock import MagicMock from nose.twistedtools import reactor from twisted.python import log from leap.bitmask.config.providerconfig import ProviderConfig from leap.bitmask.crypto import srpregister, srpauth from leap.bitmask.crypto.tests import fake_provider from leap.common.testing.https_server import where log.startLogging(sys.stdout) def _get_capath(): return where("cacert.pem") _here = os.path.split(__file__)[0] class ImproperlyConfiguredError(Exception): """ Raised if the test provider is missing configuration """ class SRPTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for the SRPRegister class """ __name__ = "SRPRegister tests" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """ Sets up this TestCase with a simple and faked provider instance: * runs a threaded reactor * loads a mocked ProviderConfig that points to the certs in the leap.common.testing module. """ factory = fake_provider.get_provider_factory() http = reactor.listenTCP(8001, factory) https = reactor.listenSSL( 0, factory, fake_provider.OpenSSLServerContextFactory()) get_port = lambda p: p.getHost().port cls.http_port = get_port(http) cls.https_port = get_port(https) provider = ProviderConfig() provider.get_ca_cert_path = MagicMock() provider.get_ca_cert_path.return_value = _get_capath() provider.get_api_uri = MagicMock() provider.get_api_uri.return_value = cls._get_https_uri() loaded = provider.load(path=os.path.join( _here, "test_provider.json")) if not loaded: raise ImproperlyConfiguredError( "Could not load test provider config") cls.register = srpregister.SRPRegister(provider_config=provider) cls.auth = srpauth.SRPAuth(provider) # helper methods @classmethod def _get_https_uri(cls): """ Returns a https uri with the right https port initialized """ return "https://localhost:%s" % (cls.https_port,) # Register tests def test_none_port(self): provider = ProviderConfig() provider.get_api_uri = MagicMock() provider.get_api_uri.return_value = "http://localhost/" loaded = provider.load(path=os.path.join( _here, "test_provider.json")) if not loaded: raise ImproperlyConfiguredError( "Could not load test provider config") register = srpregister.SRPRegister(provider_config=provider, register_path="users") self.assertEquals(register._srp_register._port, "443") def test_wrong_cert(self): provider = ProviderConfig() loaded = provider.load(path=os.path.join( _here, "test_provider.json")) provider.get_ca_cert_path = MagicMock() provider.get_ca_cert_path.return_value = os.path.join( _here, "wrongcert.pem") provider.get_api_uri = MagicMock() provider.get_api_uri.return_value = self._get_https_uri() if not loaded: raise ImproperlyConfiguredError( "Could not load test provider config") register = srpregister.SRPRegister(provider_config=provider, register_path="users") ok = register.register_user("foouser_firsttime", "barpass") self.assertFalse(ok) def test_register_user(self): """ Checks if the registration of an unused name works as expected when it is the first time that we attempt to register that user, as well as when we request a user that is taken. """ # pristine registration ok = self.register.register_user("foouser_firsttime", "barpass") self.assertTrue(ok) def test_second_register_user(self): # second registration attempt with the same user should return errors ok = self.register.register_user("foouser_second", "barpass") self.assertTrue(ok) ok = self.register.register_user("foouser_second", "barpass") self.assertFalse(ok) def test_correct_http_uri(self): """ Checks that registration autocorrect http uris to https ones. """ HTTP_URI = "http://localhost:%s" % (self.https_port, ) HTTPS_URI = "https://localhost:%s/1/users" % (self.https_port, ) provider = ProviderConfig() provider.get_ca_cert_path = MagicMock() provider.get_ca_cert_path.return_value = _get_capath() provider.get_api_uri = MagicMock() # we introduce a http uri in the config file... provider.get_api_uri.return_value = HTTP_URI loaded = provider.load(path=os.path.join( _here, "test_provider.json")) if not loaded: raise ImproperlyConfiguredError( "Could not load test provider config") register = srpregister.SRPRegister(provider_config=provider, register_path="users") # ... and we check that we're correctly taking the HTTPS protocol # instead reg_uri = register._srp_register._get_registration_uri() self.assertEquals(reg_uri, HTTPS_URI) register._srp_register._get_registration_uri = MagicMock( return_value=HTTPS_URI) ok = register.register_user("test_failhttp", "barpass") self.assertTrue(ok)