# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # srpauth.py # Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import binascii import logging import sys import requests import srp import json #this error is raised from requests from simplejson.decoder import JSONDecodeError from functools import partial from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from PySide import QtCore from twisted.internet import threads from leap.bitmask.config.leapsettings import LeapSettings from leap.bitmask.util import request_helpers as reqhelper from leap.bitmask.util.compat import requests_has_max_retries from leap.bitmask.util.constants import REQUEST_TIMEOUT from leap.common.check import leap_assert from leap.common.events import signal as events_signal from leap.common.events import events_pb2 as proto logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SRPAuthenticationError(Exception): """ Exception raised for authentication errors """ pass class SRPAuthConnectionError(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when there's a connection error """ pass class SRPAuthBadStatusCode(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when we received an unknown bad status code """ pass class SRPAuthNoSalt(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when we don't receive the salt param at a specific point in the auth process """ pass class SRPAuthNoB(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when we don't receive the B param at a specific point in the auth process """ pass class SRPAuthBadDataFromServer(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Generic exception when we receive bad data from the server. """ pass class SRPAuthJSONDecodeError(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when there's a problem decoding the JSON content parsed as received from th e server. """ pass class SRPAuthBadUserOrPassword(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when the user provided a bad password to auth. """ pass class SRPAuthVerificationFailed(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when we can't verify the SRP data received from the server. """ pass class SRPAuthNoSessionId(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when we don't receive a session id from the server. """ pass class SRPAuth(QtCore.QObject): """ SRPAuth singleton """ class __impl(QtCore.QObject): """ Implementation of the SRPAuth interface """ LOGIN_KEY = "login" A_KEY = "A" CLIENT_AUTH_KEY = "client_auth" SESSION_ID_KEY = "_session_id" USER_VERIFIER_KEY = 'user[password_verifier]' USER_SALT_KEY = 'user[password_salt]' AUTHORIZATION_KEY = "Authorization" def __init__(self, provider_config): """ Constructor for SRPAuth implementation :param server: Server to which we will authenticate :type server: str """ QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) leap_assert(provider_config, "We need a provider config to authenticate") self._provider_config = provider_config self._settings = LeapSettings() # **************************************************** # # Dependency injection helpers, override this for more # granular testing self._fetcher = requests self._srp = srp self._hashfun = self._srp.SHA256 self._ng = self._srp.NG_1024 # **************************************************** # self._reset_session() self._session_id = None self._session_id_lock = QtCore.QMutex() self._uuid = None self._uuid_lock = QtCore.QMutex() self._token = None self._token_lock = QtCore.QMutex() self._srp_user = None self._srp_a = None # Error msg displayed if the username or the password is invalid self._WRONG_USER_PASS = self.tr("Invalid username or password.") # User credentials stored for password changing checks self._username = None self._password = None def _reset_session(self): """ Resets the current session and sets max retries to 30. """ self._session = self._fetcher.session() # We need to bump the default retries, otherwise logout # fails most of the times # NOTE: This is a workaround for the moment, the server # side seems to return correctly every time, but it fails # on the client end. if requests_has_max_retries: adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=30) else: adapter = HTTPAdapter() self._session.mount('https://', adapter) def _safe_unhexlify(self, val): """ Rounds the val to a multiple of 2 and returns the unhexlified value :param val: hexlified value :type val: str :rtype: binary hex data :return: unhexlified val """ return binascii.unhexlify(val) \ if (len(val) % 2 == 0) else binascii.unhexlify('0' + val) def _authentication_preprocessing(self, username, password): """ Generates the SRP.User to get the A SRP parameter :param username: username to login :type username: str :param password: password for the username :type password: str """ logger.debug("Authentication preprocessing...") self._srp_user = self._srp.User(username.encode('utf-8'), password.encode('utf-8'), self._hashfun, self._ng) _, A = self._srp_user.start_authentication() self._srp_a = A def _start_authentication(self, _, username): """ Sends the first request for authentication to retrieve the salt and B parameter Might raise all SRPAuthenticationError based: SRPAuthenticationError SRPAuthConnectionError SRPAuthBadStatusCode SRPAuthNoSalt SRPAuthNoB :param _: IGNORED, output from the previous callback (None) :type _: IGNORED :param username: username to login :type username: str :return: salt and B parameters :rtype: tuple """ logger.debug("Starting authentication process...") try: auth_data = { self.LOGIN_KEY: username, self.A_KEY: binascii.hexlify(self._srp_a) } sessions_url = "%s/%s/%s/" % \ (self._provider_config.get_api_uri(), self._provider_config.get_api_version(), "sessions") ca_cert_path = self._provider_config.get_ca_cert_path() ca_cert_path = ca_cert_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) init_session = self._session.post(sessions_url, data=auth_data, verify=ca_cert_path, timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT) # Clean up A value, we don't need it anymore self._srp_a = None except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: logger.error("No connection made (salt): %r" % (e,)) raise SRPAuthConnectionError("Could not establish a " "connection") except Exception as e: logger.error("Unknown error: %r" % (e,)) raise SRPAuthenticationError("Unknown error: %r" % (e,)) content, mtime = reqhelper.get_content(init_session) if init_session.status_code not in (200,): logger.error("No valid response (salt): " "Status code = %r. Content: %r" % (init_session.status_code, content)) if init_session.status_code == 422: raise SRPAuthBadUserOrPassword(self._WRONG_USER_PASS) raise SRPAuthBadStatusCode(self.tr("There was a problem with" " authentication")) json_content = json.loads(content) salt = json_content.get("salt", None) B = json_content.get("B", None) if salt is None: logger.error("No salt parameter sent") raise SRPAuthNoSalt(self.tr("The server did not send " "the salt parameter")) if B is None: logger.error("No B parameter sent") raise SRPAuthNoB(self.tr("The server did not send " "the B parameter")) return salt, B def _process_challenge(self, salt_B, username): """ Given the salt and B processes the auth challenge and generates the M2 parameter Might raise SRPAuthenticationError based: SRPAuthenticationError SRPAuthBadDataFromServer SRPAuthConnectionError SRPAuthJSONDecodeError SRPAuthBadUserOrPassword :param salt_B: salt and B parameters for the username :type salt_B: tuple :param username: username for this session :type username: str :return: the M2 SRP parameter :rtype: str """ logger.debug("Processing challenge...") try: salt, B = salt_B unhex_salt = self._safe_unhexlify(salt) unhex_B = self._safe_unhexlify(B) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: logger.error("Bad data from server: %r" % (e,)) raise SRPAuthBadDataFromServer( self.tr("The data sent from the server had errors")) M = self._srp_user.process_challenge(unhex_salt, unhex_B) auth_url = "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (self._provider_config.get_api_uri(), self._provider_config. get_api_version(), "sessions", username) auth_data = { self.CLIENT_AUTH_KEY: binascii.hexlify(M) } try: auth_result = self._session.put(auth_url, data=auth_data, verify=self._provider_config. get_ca_cert_path(), timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: logger.error("No connection made (HAMK): %r" % (e,)) raise SRPAuthConnectionError(self.tr("Could not connect to " "the server")) try: content, mtime = reqhelper.get_content(auth_result) except JSONDecodeError: raise SRPAuthJSONDecodeError("Bad JSON content in auth result") if auth_result.status_code == 422: error = "" try: error = json.loads(content).get("errors", "") except ValueError: logger.error("Problem parsing the received response: %s" % (content,)) except AttributeError: logger.error("Expecting a dict but something else was " "received: %s", (content,)) logger.error("[%s] Wrong password (HAMK): [%s]" % (auth_result.status_code, error)) raise SRPAuthBadUserOrPassword(self._WRONG_USER_PASS) if auth_result.status_code not in (200,): logger.error("No valid response (HAMK): " "Status code = %s. Content = %r" % (auth_result.status_code, content)) raise SRPAuthBadStatusCode(self.tr("Unknown error (%s)") % (auth_result.status_code,)) return json.loads(content) def _extract_data(self, json_content): """ Extracts the necessary parameters from json_content (M2, id, token) Might raise SRPAuthenticationError based: SRPBadDataFromServer :param json_content: Data received from the server :type json_content: dict """ try: M2 = json_content.get("M2", None) uuid = json_content.get("id", None) token = json_content.get("token", None) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise SRPAuthBadDataFromServer("Something went wrong with the " "login") self.set_uuid(uuid) self.set_token(token) if M2 is None or self.get_uuid() is None: logger.error("Something went wrong. Content = %r" % (json_content,)) raise SRPAuthBadDataFromServer(self.tr("Problem getting data " "from server")) events_signal( proto.CLIENT_UID, content=uuid, reqcbk=lambda req, res: None) # make the rpc call async return M2 def _verify_session(self, M2): """ Verifies the session based on the M2 parameter. If the verification succeeds, it sets the session_id for this session Might raise SRPAuthenticationError based: SRPAuthBadDataFromServer SRPAuthVerificationFailed :param M2: M2 SRP parameter :type M2: str """ logger.debug("Verifying session...") try: unhex_M2 = self._safe_unhexlify(M2) except TypeError: logger.error("Bad data from server (HAWK)") raise SRPAuthBadDataFromServer(self.tr("Bad data from server")) self._srp_user.verify_session(unhex_M2) if not self._srp_user.authenticated(): logger.error("Auth verification failed") raise SRPAuthVerificationFailed(self.tr("Auth verification " "failed")) logger.debug("Session verified.") session_id = self._session.cookies.get(self.SESSION_ID_KEY, None) if not session_id: logger.error("Bad cookie from server (missing _session_id)") raise SRPAuthNoSessionId(self.tr("Session cookie " "verification " "failed")) events_signal( proto.CLIENT_SESSION_ID, content=session_id, reqcbk=lambda req, res: None) # make the rpc call async self.set_session_id(session_id) def _threader(self, cb, res, *args, **kwargs): return threads.deferToThread(cb, res, *args, **kwargs) def change_password(self, current_password, new_password): """ Changes the password for the currently logged user if the current password match. It requires to be authenticated. Might raise: SRPAuthBadUserOrPassword requests.exceptions.HTTPError :param current_password: the current password for the logged user. :type current_password: str :param new_password: the new password for the user :type new_password: str """ leap_assert(self.get_uuid() is not None) if current_password != self._password: raise SRPAuthBadUserOrPassword url = "%s/%s/users/%s.json" % ( self._provider_config.get_api_uri(), self._provider_config.get_api_version(), self.get_uuid()) salt, verifier = self._srp.create_salted_verification_key( self._username.encode('utf-8'), new_password.encode('utf-8'), self._hashfun, self._ng) cookies = {self.SESSION_ID_KEY: self.get_session_id()} headers = { self.AUTHORIZATION_KEY: "Token token={0}".format(self.get_token()) } user_data = { self.USER_VERIFIER_KEY: binascii.hexlify(verifier), self.USER_SALT_KEY: binascii.hexlify(salt) } change_password = self._session.put( url, data=user_data, verify=self._provider_config.get_ca_cert_path(), cookies=cookies, timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT, headers=headers) # In case of non 2xx it raises HTTPError change_password.raise_for_status() self._password = new_password def authenticate(self, username, password): """ Executes the whole authentication process for a user Might raise SRPAuthenticationError :param username: username for this session :type username: unicode :param password: password for this user :type password: unicode :returns: A defer on a different thread :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred """ leap_assert(self.get_session_id() is None, "Already logged in") # User credentials stored for password changing checks self._username = username self._password = password self._reset_session() d = threads.deferToThread(self._authentication_preprocessing, username=username, password=password) d.addCallback( partial(self._threader, self._start_authentication), username=username) d.addCallback( partial(self._threader, self._process_challenge), username=username) d.addCallback( partial(self._threader, self._extract_data)) d.addCallback(partial(self._threader, self._verify_session)) return d def logout(self): """ Logs out the current session. Expects a session_id to exists, might raise AssertionError """ logger.debug("Starting logout...") if self.get_session_id() is None: logger.debug("Already logged out") return logout_url = "%s/%s/%s/" % (self._provider_config.get_api_uri(), self._provider_config. get_api_version(), "logout") try: self._session.delete(logout_url, data=self.get_session_id(), verify=self._provider_config. get_ca_cert_path(), timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Something went wrong with the logout: %r" % (e,)) raise else: self.set_session_id(None) self.set_uuid(None) self.set_token(None) # Also reset the session self._session = self._fetcher.session() logger.debug("Successfully logged out.") def set_session_id(self, session_id): QtCore.QMutexLocker(self._session_id_lock) self._session_id = session_id def get_session_id(self): QtCore.QMutexLocker(self._session_id_lock) return self._session_id def set_uuid(self, uuid): QtCore.QMutexLocker(self._uuid_lock) full_uid = "%s@%s" % ( self._username, self._provider_config.get_domain()) if uuid is not None: # avoid removing the uuid from settings self._settings.set_uuid(full_uid, uuid) self._uuid = uuid def get_uuid(self): QtCore.QMutexLocker(self._uuid_lock) return self._uuid def set_token(self, token): QtCore.QMutexLocker(self._token_lock) self._token = token def get_token(self): QtCore.QMutexLocker(self._token_lock) return self._token __instance = None authentication_finished = QtCore.Signal(bool, str) logout_finished = QtCore.Signal(bool, str) def __init__(self, provider_config): """ Creates a singleton instance if needed """ QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) # Check whether we already have an instance if SRPAuth.__instance is None: # Create and remember instance SRPAuth.__instance = SRPAuth.__impl(provider_config) # Store instance reference as the only member in the handle self.__dict__['_SRPAuth__instance'] = SRPAuth.__instance # Generally, we initialize this with a provider_config once, # and after that initialize it without one and use the one # that was assigned before. But we need to update it if we # want to be able to logout and login into another provider. if provider_config is not None: SRPAuth.__instance._provider_config = provider_config def authenticate(self, username, password): """ Executes the whole authentication process for a user Might raise SRPAuthenticationError based :param username: username for this session :type username: str :param password: password for this user :type password: str """ username = username.lower() d = self.__instance.authenticate(username, password) d.addCallback(self._gui_notify) return d def change_password(self, current_password, new_password): """ Changes the user's password. :param current_password: the current password of the user. :type current_password: str :param new_password: the new password for the user. :type new_password: str :returns: a defer to interact with. :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred """ d = threads.deferToThread( self.__instance.change_password, current_password, new_password) return d def get_username(self): """ Returns the username of the currently authenticated user or None if no user is logged. :rtype: str or None """ if self.get_uuid() is None: return None return self.__instance._username def _gui_notify(self, _): """ Callback that notifies the UI with the proper signal. :param _: IGNORED, output from the previous callback (None) :type _: IGNORED """ logger.debug("Successful login!") self.authentication_finished.emit(True, self.tr("Succeeded")) def get_session_id(self): return self.__instance.get_session_id() def get_uuid(self): return self.__instance.get_uuid() def get_token(self): return self.__instance.get_token() def logout(self): """ Logs out the current session. Expects a session_id to exists, might raise AssertionError """ try: self.__instance.logout() self.logout_finished.emit(True, self.tr("Succeeded")) return True except Exception as e: self.logout_finished.emit(False, "%s" % (e,)) return False