# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # srpauth.py # Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import binascii import logging import requests import srp import json #this error is raised from requests from simplejson.decoder import JSONDecodeError from functools import partial from PySide import QtCore from twisted.internet import threads from leap.bitmask.util import request_helpers as reqhelper from leap.bitmask.util.constants import REQUEST_TIMEOUT from leap.common.check import leap_assert from leap.common.events import signal as events_signal from leap.common.events import events_pb2 as proto logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SRPAuthenticationError(Exception): """ Exception raised for authentication errors """ pass class SRPAuthConnectionError(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when there's a connection error """ pass class SRPAuthBadStatusCode(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when we received an unknown bad status code """ pass class SRPAuthNoSalt(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when we don't receive the salt param at a specific point in the auth process """ pass class SRPAuthNoB(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when we don't receive the B param at a specific point in the auth process """ pass class SRPAuthBadDataFromServer(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Generic exception when we receive bad data from the server. """ pass class SRPAuthJSONDecodeError(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when there's a problem decoding the JSON content parsed as received from th e server. """ pass class SRPAuthBadUserOrPassword(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when the user provided a bad password to auth. """ pass class SRPAuthVerificationFailed(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when we can't verify the SRP data received from the server. """ pass class SRPAuthNoSessionId(SRPAuthenticationError): """ Exception raised when we don't receive a session id from the server. """ pass class SRPAuth(QtCore.QObject): """ SRPAuth singleton """ class __impl(QtCore.QObject): """ Implementation of the SRPAuth interface """ LOGIN_KEY = "login" A_KEY = "A" CLIENT_AUTH_KEY = "client_auth" SESSION_ID_KEY = "_session_id" USER_VERIFIER_KEY = 'user[password_verifier]' USER_SALT_KEY = 'user[password_salt]' def __init__(self, provider_config): """ Constructor for SRPAuth implementation :param server: Server to which we will authenticate :type server: str """ QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) leap_assert(provider_config, "We need a provider config to authenticate") self._provider_config = provider_config # **************************************************** # # Dependency injection helpers, override this for more # granular testing self._fetcher = requests self._srp = srp self._hashfun = self._srp.SHA256 self._ng = self._srp.NG_1024 # **************************************************** # self._session = self._fetcher.session() self._session_id = None self._session_id_lock = QtCore.QMutex() self._uid = None self._uid_lock = QtCore.QMutex() self._token = None self._token_lock = QtCore.QMutex() self._srp_user = None self._srp_a = None # Error msg displayed if the username or the password is invalid self._WRONG_USER_PASS = self.tr("Invalid username or password.") # User credentials stored for password changing checks self._username = None self._password = None def _safe_unhexlify(self, val): """ Rounds the val to a multiple of 2 and returns the unhexlified value :param val: hexlified value :type val: str :rtype: binary hex data :return: unhexlified val """ return binascii.unhexlify(val) \ if (len(val) % 2 == 0) else binascii.unhexlify('0' + val) def _authentication_preprocessing(self, username, password): """ Generates the SRP.User to get the A SRP parameter :param username: username to login :type username: str :param password: password for the username :type password: str """ logger.debug("Authentication preprocessing...") self._srp_user = self._srp.User(username, password, self._hashfun, self._ng) _, A = self._srp_user.start_authentication() self._srp_a = A def _start_authentication(self, _, username): """ Sends the first request for authentication to retrieve the salt and B parameter Might raise all SRPAuthenticationError based: SRPAuthenticationError SRPAuthConnectionError SRPAuthBadStatusCode SRPAuthNoSalt SRPAuthNoB :param _: IGNORED, output from the previous callback (None) :type _: IGNORED :param username: username to login :type username: str :return: salt and B parameters :rtype: tuple """ logger.debug("Starting authentication process...") try: auth_data = { self.LOGIN_KEY: username, self.A_KEY: binascii.hexlify(self._srp_a) } sessions_url = "%s/%s/%s/" % \ (self._provider_config.get_api_uri(), self._provider_config.get_api_version(), "sessions") init_session = self._session.post(sessions_url, data=auth_data, verify=self._provider_config. get_ca_cert_path(), timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT) # Clean up A value, we don't need it anymore self._srp_a = None except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: logger.error("No connection made (salt): %r" % (e,)) raise SRPAuthConnectionError("Could not establish a " "connection") except Exception as e: logger.error("Unknown error: %r" % (e,)) raise SRPAuthenticationError("Unknown error: %r" % (e,)) content, mtime = reqhelper.get_content(init_session) if init_session.status_code not in (200,): logger.error("No valid response (salt): " "Status code = %r. Content: %r" % (init_session.status_code, content)) if init_session.status_code == 422: raise SRPAuthBadUserOrPassword(self._WRONG_USER_PASS) raise SRPAuthBadStatusCode(self.tr("There was a problem with" " authentication")) json_content = json.loads(content) salt = json_content.get("salt", None) B = json_content.get("B", None) if salt is None: logger.error("No salt parameter sent") raise SRPAuthNoSalt(self.tr("The server did not send " "the salt parameter")) if B is None: logger.error("No B parameter sent") raise SRPAuthNoB(self.tr("The server did not send " "the B parameter")) return salt, B def _process_challenge(self, salt_B, username): """ Given the salt and B processes the auth challenge and generates the M2 parameter Might raise SRPAuthenticationError based: SRPAuthenticationError SRPAuthBadDataFromServer SRPAuthConnectionError SRPAuthJSONDecodeError SRPAuthBadUserOrPassword :param salt_B: salt and B parameters for the username :type salt_B: tuple :param username: username for this session :type username: str :return: the M2 SRP parameter :rtype: str """ logger.debug("Processing challenge...") try: salt, B = salt_B unhex_salt = self._safe_unhexlify(salt) unhex_B = self._safe_unhexlify(B) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: logger.error("Bad data from server: %r" % (e,)) raise SRPAuthBadDataFromServer( self.tr("The data sent from the server had errors")) M = self._srp_user.process_challenge(unhex_salt, unhex_B) auth_url = "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (self._provider_config.get_api_uri(), self._provider_config. get_api_version(), "sessions", username) auth_data = { self.CLIENT_AUTH_KEY: binascii.hexlify(M) } try: auth_result = self._session.put(auth_url, data=auth_data, verify=self._provider_config. get_ca_cert_path(), timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: logger.error("No connection made (HAMK): %r" % (e,)) raise SRPAuthConnectionError(self.tr("Could not connect to " "the server")) try: content, mtime = reqhelper.get_content(auth_result) except JSONDecodeError: raise SRPAuthJSONDecodeError("Bad JSON content in auth result") if auth_result.status_code == 422: error = "" try: error = json.loads(content).get("errors", "") except ValueError: logger.error("Problem parsing the received response: %s" % (content,)) except AttributeError: logger.error("Expecting a dict but something else was " "received: %s", (content,)) logger.error("[%s] Wrong password (HAMK): [%s]" % (auth_result.status_code, error)) raise SRPAuthBadUserOrPassword(self._WRONG_USER_PASS) if auth_result.status_code not in (200,): logger.error("No valid response (HAMK): " "Status code = %s. Content = %r" % (auth_result.status_code, content)) raise SRPAuthBadStatusCode(self.tr("Unknown error (%s)") % (auth_result.status_code,)) return json.loads(content) def _extract_data(self, json_content): """ Extracts the necessary parameters from json_content (M2, id, token) Might raise SRPAuthenticationError based: SRPBadDataFromServer :param json_content: Data received from the server :type json_content: dict """ try: M2 = json_content.get("M2", None) uid = json_content.get("id", None) token = json_content.get("token", None) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise SRPAuthBadDataFromServer("Something went wrong with the " "login") self.set_uid(uid) self.set_token(token) if M2 is None or self.get_uid() is None: logger.error("Something went wrong. Content = %r" % (json_content,)) raise SRPAuthBadDataFromServer(self.tr("Problem getting data " "from server")) events_signal( proto.CLIENT_UID, content=uid, reqcbk=lambda req, res: None) # make the rpc call async return M2 def _verify_session(self, M2): """ Verifies the session based on the M2 parameter. If the verification succeeds, it sets the session_id for this session Might raise SRPAuthenticationError based: SRPAuthBadDataFromServer SRPAuthVerificationFailed :param M2: M2 SRP parameter :type M2: str """ logger.debug("Verifying session...") try: unhex_M2 = self._safe_unhexlify(M2) except TypeError: logger.error("Bad data from server (HAWK)") raise SRPAuthBadDataFromServer(self.tr("Bad data from server")) self._srp_user.verify_session(unhex_M2) if not self._srp_user.authenticated(): logger.error("Auth verification failed") raise SRPAuthVerificationFailed(self.tr("Auth verification " "failed")) logger.debug("Session verified.") session_id = self._session.cookies.get(self.SESSION_ID_KEY, None) if not session_id: logger.error("Bad cookie from server (missing _session_id)") raise SRPAuthNoSessionId(self.tr("Session cookie " "verification " "failed")) events_signal( proto.CLIENT_SESSION_ID, content=session_id, reqcbk=lambda req, res: None) # make the rpc call async self.set_session_id(session_id) def _threader(self, cb, res, *args, **kwargs): return threads.deferToThread(cb, res, *args, **kwargs) def change_password(self, current_password, new_password): """ Changes the password for the currently logged user if the current password match. It requires to be authenticated. Might raise: SRPAuthBadUserOrPassword requests.exceptions.HTTPError :param current_password: the current password for the logged user. :type current_password: str :param new_password: the new password for the user :type new_password: str """ leap_assert(self.get_uid() is not None) if current_password != self._password: raise SRPAuthBadUserOrPassword url = "%s/%s/users/%s.json" % ( self._provider_config.get_api_uri(), self._provider_config.get_api_version(), self.get_uid()) salt, verifier = self._srp.create_salted_verification_key( self._username, new_password, self._hashfun, self._ng) cookies = {self.SESSION_ID_KEY: self.get_session_id()} user_data = { self.USER_VERIFIER_KEY: binascii.hexlify(verifier), self.USER_SALT_KEY: binascii.hexlify(salt) } change_password = self._session.put( url, data=user_data, verify=self._provider_config.get_ca_cert_path(), cookies=cookies, timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT) # In case of non 2xx it raises HTTPError change_password.raise_for_status() self._password = new_password def authenticate(self, username, password): """ Executes the whole authentication process for a user Might raise SRPAuthenticationError :param username: username for this session :type username: str :param password: password for this user :type password: str :returns: A defer on a different thread :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred """ leap_assert(self.get_session_id() is None, "Already logged in") # User credentials stored for password changing checks self._username = username self._password = password d = threads.deferToThread(self._authentication_preprocessing, username=username, password=password) d.addCallback( partial(self._threader, self._start_authentication), username=username) d.addCallback( partial(self._threader, self._process_challenge), username=username) d.addCallback( partial(self._threader, self._extract_data)) d.addCallback(partial(self._threader, self._verify_session)) return d def logout(self): """ Logs out the current session. Expects a session_id to exists, might raise AssertionError """ logger.debug("Starting logout...") if self.get_session_id() is None: logger.debug("Already logged out") return logout_url = "%s/%s/%s/" % (self._provider_config.get_api_uri(), self._provider_config. get_api_version(), "logout") try: self._session.delete(logout_url, data=self.get_session_id(), verify=self._provider_config. get_ca_cert_path(), timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Something went wrong with the logout: %r" % (e,)) raise else: self.set_session_id(None) self.set_uid(None) # Also reset the session self._session = self._fetcher.session() logger.debug("Successfully logged out.") def set_session_id(self, session_id): QtCore.QMutexLocker(self._session_id_lock) self._session_id = session_id def get_session_id(self): QtCore.QMutexLocker(self._session_id_lock) return self._session_id def set_uid(self, uid): QtCore.QMutexLocker(self._uid_lock) self._uid = uid def get_uid(self): QtCore.QMutexLocker(self._uid_lock) return self._uid def set_token(self, token): QtCore.QMutexLocker(self._token_lock) self._token = token def get_token(self): QtCore.QMutexLocker(self._token_lock) return self._token __instance = None authentication_finished = QtCore.Signal(bool, str) logout_finished = QtCore.Signal(bool, str) def __init__(self, provider_config): """ Creates a singleton instance if needed """ QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) # Check whether we already have an instance if SRPAuth.__instance is None: # Create and remember instance SRPAuth.__instance = SRPAuth.__impl(provider_config) # Store instance reference as the only member in the handle self.__dict__['_SRPAuth__instance'] = SRPAuth.__instance def authenticate(self, username, password): """ Executes the whole authentication process for a user Might raise SRPAuthenticationError based :param username: username for this session :type username: str :param password: password for this user :type password: str """ username = username.lower() d = self.__instance.authenticate(username, password) d.addCallback(self._gui_notify) d.addErrback(self._errback) return d def change_password(self, current_password, new_password): """ Changes the user's password. :param current_password: the current password of the user. :type current_password: str :param new_password: the new password for the user. :type new_password: str :returns: a defer to interact with. :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred """ d = threads.deferToThread( self.__instance.change_password, current_password, new_password) return d def get_username(self): """ Returns the username of the currently authenticated user or None if no user is logged. :rtype: str or None """ if self.get_uid() is None: return None return self.__instance._username def _gui_notify(self, _): """ Callback that notifies the UI with the proper signal. :param _: IGNORED, output from the previous callback (None) :type _: IGNORED """ logger.debug("Successful login!") self.authentication_finished.emit(True, self.tr("Succeeded")) def _errback(self, failure): """ General errback for the whole login process. Will notify the UI with the proper signal. :param failure: Failure object captured from a callback. :type failure: twisted.python.failure.Failure """ logger.error("Error logging in %s" % (failure,)) self.authentication_finished.emit(False, "%s" % (failure.value,)) failure.trap(Exception) def get_session_id(self): return self.__instance.get_session_id() def get_uid(self): return self.__instance.get_uid() def get_token(self): return self.__instance.get_token() def logout(self): """ Logs out the current session. Expects a session_id to exists, might raise AssertionError """ try: self.__instance.logout() self.logout_finished.emit(True, self.tr("Succeeded")) return True except Exception as e: self.logout_finished.emit(False, "%s" % (e,)) return False