# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # _web.py # Copyright (C) 2016 LEAP Encryption Access Project # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ HTTP REST Dispatcher Service. """ import json import os import pkg_resources from twisted.application import service from twisted.internet import endpoints from twisted.cred import portal, checkers, credentials, error as credError from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.logger import Logger from twisted.web.guard import HTTPAuthSessionWrapper, BasicCredentialFactory from twisted.web.resource import IResource, Resource from twisted.web.server import Site, NOT_DONE_YET from twisted.web.static import File from zope.interface import implementer from leap.bitmask.util import here from leap.bitmask.core.dispatcher import CommandDispatcher try: import leap.bitmask_js HAS_WEB_UI = True except ImportError: HAS_WEB_UI = False try: import txtorcon except Exception: pass log = Logger() class TokenCredentialFactory(BasicCredentialFactory): scheme = 'token' @implementer(checkers.ICredentialsChecker) class TokenDictChecker: credentialInterfaces = (credentials.IUsernamePassword, credentials.IUsernameHashedPassword) def __init__(self, tokens): self.tokens = tokens def requestAvatarId(self, credentials): username = credentials.username if username in self.tokens: if credentials.checkPassword(self.tokens[username]): return defer.succeed(username) else: return defer.fail( credError.UnauthorizedLogin("Bad session token")) else: return defer.fail( credError.UnauthorizedLogin("No such user")) @implementer(portal.IRealm) class HttpPasswordRealm(object): def __init__(self, resource): self.resource = resource def requestAvatar(self, user, mind, *interfaces): # the resource is passed on regardless of user if IResource in interfaces: return (IResource, self.resource, lambda: None) raise NotImplementedError() @implementer(IResource) class WhitelistHTTPAuthSessionWrapper(HTTPAuthSessionWrapper): """ Wrap a portal, enforcing supported header-based authentication schemes. It doesn't apply the enforcement to routes included in a whitelist. """ # TODO extend this to inspect the data -- so that we pass a tuple # with the action whitelist = (None,) def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.whitelist = kw.pop('whitelist', tuple()) super(WhitelistHTTPAuthSessionWrapper, self).__init__( *args, **kw) def getChildWithDefault(self, path, request): if request.path in self.whitelist: return self return HTTPAuthSessionWrapper.getChildWithDefault(self, path, request) def render(self, request): if request.path in self.whitelist: _res = self._portal.realm.resource return _res.render(request) return HTTPAuthSessionWrapper.render(self, request) def protectedResourceFactory(resource, session_tokens, whitelist): realm = HttpPasswordRealm(resource) checker = TokenDictChecker(session_tokens) resource_portal = portal.Portal(realm, [checker]) credentialFactory = TokenCredentialFactory('localhost') protected_resource = WhitelistHTTPAuthSessionWrapper( resource_portal, [credentialFactory], whitelist=whitelist) return protected_resource class HTTPDispatcherService(service.Service): """ A Dispatcher for BitmaskCore exposing a REST API. The API itself is served under the API/ route. If the package ``leap.bitmask_js`` is found in the import path, we'll serve the whole JS UI in the root resource too (under the ``public`` path). If that package cannot be found, we'll serve just the javascript wrapper around the REST API. """ API_WHITELIST = ( '/API/bonafide/user', ) def __init__(self, core, port=7070, debug=False, onion=False): self._core = core self.port = port self.debug = debug self.onion = onion self.uri = '' def startService(self): # TODO refactor this, too long---------------------------------------- if HAS_WEB_UI: webdir = os.path.abspath( pkg_resources.resource_filename('leap.bitmask_js', 'public')) log.debug('webdir: %s' % webdir) else: log.warn('bitmask_js not found, serving bitmask.core ui') webdir = os.path.abspath( pkg_resources.resource_filename('leap.bitmask.core', 'web')) jspath = os.path.join( here(), '..', '..', '..', 'ui', 'app', 'lib', 'bitmask.js') jsapi = File(os.path.abspath(jspath)) api = Api(CommandDispatcher(self._core)) protected_api = protectedResourceFactory( api, self._core.tokens, self.API_WHITELIST) root = File(webdir) root.putChild(u'API', protected_api) if not HAS_WEB_UI: root.putChild('bitmask.js', jsapi) factory = Site(root) self.site = factory if self.onion and _has_txtorcon(): self._start_onion_service(factory) else: interface = '' endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint( reactor, self.port, interface=interface) self.uri = 'https://%s:%s' % (interface, self.port) endpoint.listen(factory) # TODO this should be set in a callback to the listen call self.running = True def _start_onion_service(self, factory): def progress(percent, tag, message): bar = int(percent / 10) log.debug('[%s%s] %s' % ('#' * bar, '.' * (10 - bar), message)) def setup_complete(port): port = txtorcon.IHiddenService(port) self.uri = "http://%s" % (port.getHost().onion_uri) log.info('I have set up a hidden service, advertised at: %s' % self.uri) log.info('locally listening on %s' % port.local_address.getHost()) def setup_failed(args): log.error('onion service setup FAILED: %r' % args) endpoint = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, 'onion:80') txtorcon.IProgressProvider(endpoint).add_progress_listener(progress) d = endpoint.listen(factory) d.addCallback(setup_complete) d.addErrback(setup_failed) return d def stopService(self): self.site.stopFactory() self.listener.stopListening() self.running = False def do_status(self): status = 'running' if self.running else 'disabled' return {'web': status, 'uri': self.uri} class Api(Resource): isLeaf = True def __init__(self, dispatcher): Resource.__init__(self) self.dispatcher = dispatcher def render_POST(self, request): command = request.uri.split('/')[2:] params = request.content.getvalue() if params: # json.loads returns unicode strings and the rest of the code # expects strings. This 'str(param)' conversion can be removed # if we move to python3 for param in json.loads(params): command.append(str(param)) d = self.dispatcher.dispatch(command) d.addCallback(self._write_response, request) return NOT_DONE_YET def _write_response(self, response, request): request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') request.write(response) request.finish() def _has_txtorcon(): try: import txtorcon txtorcon except ImportError: log.error('onion is enabled, but could not find txtorcon') return False return True