# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# user
# Copyright (C) 2016 LEAP
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
Bitmask Command Line interface: user
import argparse
import getpass
import sys
from copy import copy
from colorama import Fore
from leap.bitmask.cli import command
class User(command.Command):
service = 'bonafide'
usage = '''{name} user
Bitmask account service
create Registers new user, if possible
auth Logs in against the provider
logout Ends any active session with the provider
list List users
update Update user password
active Shows the active user, if any
commands = ['active']
def __init__(self):
super(User, self).__init__()
def create(self, raw_args):
args = tuple([command.appname] + sys.argv[1:4])
passwd = None
for (index, item) in enumerate(raw_args):
if item.startswith('--pass'):
passwd = raw_args.pop(index + 1)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Bitmask user',
prog='%s %s %s %s' % args)
parser.add_argument('--invitecode', **_invitecode_kw)
parser.add_argument('username', **_username_kw)
subargs = parser.parse_args(raw_args)
# username parsing is factored out, but won't
# accept the optional parameters. so strip them.
args = copy(raw_args)
for (index, item) in enumerate(args):
if item.startswith('--'):
args.pop(index + 1)
username = self.username(args)
if not passwd:
passwd = self._getpass_twice()
self.data += ['create', username, passwd,
subargs.invite, 'true']
return self._send(printer=command.default_dict_printer)
def auth(self, raw_args):
username = self.username(raw_args)
passwd = getpass.getpass()
self.data += ['authenticate', username, passwd, 'true']
return self._send(printer=command.default_dict_printer)
def logout(self, raw_args):
username = self.username(raw_args)
self.data += ['logout', username]
return self._send(printer=command.default_dict_printer)
def list(self, raw_args):
self.data += ['list']
return self._send(printer=self._print_user_list)
def update(self, raw_args):
username = self.username(raw_args)
current_passwd = getpass.getpass('Current password: ')
new_passwd = self._getpass_twice('New password: ')
self.data += ['update', username, current_passwd, new_passwd]
return self._send(printer=command.default_dict_printer)
def username(self, raw_args):
args = tuple([command.appname] + sys.argv[1:3])
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Bitmask user',
prog='%s %s %s' % args)
parser.add_argument('username', **_username_kw)
subargs = parser.parse_args(raw_args)
username = subargs.username
if not username:
self._error("Missing username ID but needed for this command")
if '@' not in username:
self._error("Username ID must be in the form ")
return username
def _getpass_twice(self, prompt='Password: '):
while True:
passwd1 = getpass.getpass(prompt)
passwd2 = getpass.getpass('Retype the password: ')
if passwd1 == passwd2:
return passwd1
print "The passwords do not match, try again."
print ""
def _print_user_list(self, users):
for u in users:
color = ""
if u['authenticated']:
color = Fore.GREEN
print(color + u['userid'] + Fore.RESET)
_username_kw = {
'nargs': '?',
'help': 'username ID, in the form '}
_invitecode_kw = {
'dest': 'invite',
'default': 'none', 'action': 'store', 'nargs': '?', 'type': str,
'help': 'invite code, if needed to register with this provider'}