#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # bitmask_cli # Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Bitmask Command Line interface: zmq client. """ import json import sys import signal import traceback from colorama import Fore from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from leap.bitmask.cli import command from leap.bitmask.cli.keys import Keys from leap.bitmask.cli.logs import Logs from leap.bitmask.cli.mail import Mail from leap.bitmask.cli.user import User from leap.bitmask.cli.vpn import VPN from leap.bitmask.cli.webui import WebUI from leap.bitmask.config import Configuration class BitmaskCLI(command.Command): usage = '''bitmaskctl <command> [<args>] Controls the Bitmask application. SERVICE COMMANDS: user Handles Bitmask accounts mail Bitmask Encrypted Mail vpn Bitmask VPN keys Bitmask Keymanager ui Bitmask User Interface logs Manages the Bitmask daemon logs GENERAL COMMANDS: version prints version number and exit start starts the Bitmask backend daemon stop stops the Bitmask backend daemon status displays general status about the running Bitmask services stats show some debug info about bitmask-core help show this help message OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS: --json print the raw json (useful for scripting) ''' epilog = ("Use 'bitmaskctl <command> help' to learn more " "about each command.") def user(self, raw_args): user = User(self.cfg, self.print_json) return user.execute(raw_args) def mail(self, raw_args): mail = Mail(self.cfg, self.print_json) return mail.execute(raw_args) def vpn(self, raw_args): vpn = VPN(self.cfg) return vpn.execute(raw_args) def keys(self, raw_args): keys = Keys(self.cfg, self.print_json) return keys.execute(raw_args) def ui(self, raw_args): webui = WebUI(self.cfg, self.print_json) return webui.execute(raw_args) def logs(self, raw_args): logs = Logs(self.cfg, self.print_json) return logs.execute(raw_args) # Single commands def start(self, raw_args): # XXX careful! Should see if the process in PID is running, # avoid launching again. import commands cmd = 'bitmaskd' if raw_args and ('--verbose' in raw_args or '-v' in raw_args): cmd += ' --verbose' commands.getoutput(cmd) self.cfg.set('bonafide', 'active', "") return defer.succeed(None) def version(self, raw_args): self.data = ['core', 'version'] return self._send(printer=self._print_version) def _print_version(self, version): corever = version['version_core'] print(Fore.GREEN + 'bitmask_core: ' + Fore.RESET + corever) def status(self, raw_args): self.data = ['core', 'status'] return self._send(printer=self._print_status) def _print_status(self, status): statusdict = json.loads(status) for key, value in statusdict.items(): color = Fore.GREEN if value == 'stopped': color = Fore.RED print(key.ljust(10) + ': ' + color + value + Fore.RESET) def stop(self, raw_args): self.data = ['core', 'stop'] self.cfg.set('bonafide', 'active', "") return self._send(printer=command.default_dict_printer) def stats(self, raw_args): self.data = ['core', 'stats'] return self._send(printer=command.default_dict_printer) @defer.inlineCallbacks def execute(): cfg = Configuration(".bitmaskctl") print_json = '--json' in sys.argv cli = BitmaskCLI(cfg) cli.data = ['core', 'version'] args = None if '--noverbose' in sys.argv else ['--verbose'] try: yield cli._send( timeout=0.1, printer=_null_printer, errb=lambda: cli.start(args)) except Exception, e: print (Fore.RED + "ERROR: " + Fore.RESET + "%s" % str(e)) defer.returnValue('') cli.data = [] cli.print_json = print_json args = sys.argv[1:] if print_json: args.remove('--json') try: yield cli.execute(args) cmdline = ' '.join(sys.argv) if 'ctl start' in cmdline or 'ctl restart' in cmdline: command.default_dict_printer({'start': 'ok'}) except Exception as e: print(Fore.RED + "ERROR: " + Fore.RESET + "%s" % str(e)) if not hasattr(e, 'expected'): print(traceback.format_exc()) finally: yield reactor.stop() def _null_printer(*args): pass def main(): def signal_handler(signal, frame): if reactor.running: reactor.stop() sys.exit(0) reactor.callWhenRunning(reactor.callLater, 0, execute) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) reactor.run() if __name__ == "__main__": main()