# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # app.py # Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # M:::::::MMMMMMMMMM~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~MMMMMMMMMM~:::::::M # M:::::MMM$$$$$77$MMMMN~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~NMMMM$77$$$$$MMM::::::M # M:::~MMZ$$$$$777777I8MMMM~:::::::::::::::::::::::~MMMMDI777777$$$$$$MM:::::M # M:::MMZ$$$$$777777IIIIIZMMMM:::::::::::::::::::MMNMZIIIII777777$$$$$$MM::::M # M::DMN$$$$$777777IIIIIII??7DDNM+:::::::::::=MDDD7???IIIIII777777$$$$$DMN:::M # M::MM$$$$$7777777IIIIIII????+?88OOMMMMMMMOO88???????IIIIIII777777$$$$$MM:::M # M::MM$$$$$777777IIIIIIII??????++++7ZZ$$ZI+++++??????IIIIIIII777777$$$$MM~::M # M:~MM$$$$77777Z8OIIIIIIII??????++++++++++++++??????IIIIIIIO8Z77777$$$$NM+::M # M::MM$$$777MMMMMMMMMMMZ?II???????+++++++++???????III$MMMMMMMMMMM7777$$DM$::M # M:~MM$$77MMMI~::::::$MMMM$?I????????????????????I$MMMMZ~::::::+MMM77$$MM~::M # M::MM$7777MM::::::::::::MMMMI?????????????????IMMMM:::::::::::~MM7777$MM:::M # M::MM777777MM~:::::::::::::MMMD?I?????????IIDMMM,:::::::::::::MM777777MM:::M # M::DMD7777IIMM$::::::::::::?MMM?I??????????IMMM$::::::::::::7MM7I77778MN:::M # M:::MM777IIIIMMMN~:::::::MMMM?II???+++++????IIMMMM::::::::MMMMIIII777MM::::M # M:::ZMM7IIIIIIIOMMMMMMMMMMZ?III???++++++++??III?$MMMMMMMMMMO?IIIIII7MMO::::M # M::::MMDIIIIIIIIII?IIIII?IIIII???+++===++++??IIIIIIII?II?IIIIIIIIII7MM:::::M # M:::::MM7IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII??+++IZ$$I+++??IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7MM::::::M # M::::::MMOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII?D888MMMMM8O8D?IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII$MM:::::::M # M:::::::MMM?IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7MNMD:::::::::OMNM$IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII?MMM::::::::M # M::::::::NMMI?IIIIIIIIIII?OMMM:::::::::::::::MMMO?IIIIIIIIIIIIIMMN:::::::::M # M::::::::::MMMIIIIIIIII?8MMM:::::::::::::::::::MMM8IIIIIIIIIIMMM:::::::::::M # M:::::::::::~NMMM7???7MMMM:::::::::::::::::::::::NMMMI??I7MMMM:::::::::::::M # M::::::::::::::7MMMMMMM+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::?MMMMMMMZ:::::::::::::::M # (thanks to: http://www.glassgiant.com/ascii/) import signal import sys import os from functools import partial from PySide import QtCore, QtGui from leap.bitmask import __version__ as VERSION from leap.bitmask.config import flags from leap.bitmask.gui import locale_rc # noqa - silence pylint from leap.bitmask.gui.mainwindow import MainWindow from leap.bitmask.logs.utils import create_logger from leap.bitmask.platform_init.locks import we_are_the_one_and_only from leap.bitmask.services.mail import plumber from leap.bitmask.util import leap_argparse from leap.bitmask.util.requirement_checker import check_requirements from leap.common.events import server as event_server from leap.mail import __version__ as MAIL_VERSION from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall import codecs codecs.register(lambda name: codecs.lookup('utf-8') if name == 'cp65001' else None) def sigint_handler(*args, **kwargs): """ Signal handler for SIGINT """ logger = kwargs.get('logger', None) if logger: logger.debug("SIGINT catched. shutting down...") mainwindow = args[0] mainwindow.quit() def sigterm_handler(*args, **kwargs): """ Signal handler for SIGTERM. This handler is actually passed to twisted reactor """ logger = kwargs.get('logger', None) if logger: logger.debug("SIGTERM catched. shutting down...") mainwindow = args[0] mainwindow.quit() def do_display_version(opts): """ Display version and exit. """ # TODO move to a different module: commands? if opts.version: print "Bitmask version: %s" % (VERSION,) print "leap.mail version: %s" % (MAIL_VERSION,) sys.exit(0) def do_mail_plumbing(opts): """ Analize options and do mailbox plumbing if requested. """ # TODO move to a different module: commands? if opts.repair: plumber.repair_account(opts.acct) sys.exit(0) if opts.import_maildir and opts.acct: plumber.import_maildir(opts.acct, opts.import_maildir) sys.exit(0) # XXX catch when import is used w/o acct def main(): """ Starts the main event loop and launches the main window. """ # Parse arguments and store them opts = leap_argparse.get_options() do_display_version(opts) bypass_checks = opts.danger start_hidden = opts.start_hidden flags.STANDALONE = opts.standalone flags.OFFLINE = opts.offline flags.MAIL_LOGFILE = opts.mail_log_file flags.APP_VERSION_CHECK = opts.app_version_check flags.API_VERSION_CHECK = opts.api_version_check flags.OPENVPN_VERBOSITY = opts.openvpn_verb flags.SKIP_WIZARD_CHECKS = opts.skip_wizard_checks flags.CA_CERT_FILE = opts.ca_cert_file replace_stdout = True if opts.repair or opts.import_maildir: # We don't want too much clutter on the comand mode # this could be more generic with a Command class. replace_stdout = False logger = create_logger(opts.debug, opts.log_file, replace_stdout) # ok, we got logging in place, we can satisfy mail plumbing requests # and show logs there. it normally will exit there if we got that path. do_mail_plumbing(opts) try: event_server.ensure_server(event_server.SERVER_PORT) except Exception as e: # We don't even have logger configured in here print "Could not ensure server: %r" % (e,) PLAY_NICE = os.environ.get("LEAP_NICE") if PLAY_NICE and PLAY_NICE.isdigit(): nice = os.nice(int(PLAY_NICE)) logger.info("Setting NICE: %s" % nice) # TODO move to a different module: commands? if not we_are_the_one_and_only(): # Bitmask is already running logger.warning("Tried to launch more than one instance " "of Bitmask. Raising the existing " "one instead.") sys.exit(1) check_requirements() logger.info('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') logger.info('Bitmask version %s', VERSION) logger.info('leap.mail version %s', MAIL_VERSION) logger.info('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') logger.info('Starting app') # We force the style if on KDE so that it doesn't load all the kde # libs, which causes a compatibility issue in some systems. # For more info, see issue #3194 if flags.STANDALONE and os.environ.get("KDE_SESSION_UID") is not None: sys.argv.append("-style") sys.argv.append("Cleanlooks") app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) # To test: # $ LANG=es ./app.py locale = QtCore.QLocale.system().name() qtTranslator = QtCore.QTranslator() if qtTranslator.load("qt_%s" % locale, ":/translations"): app.installTranslator(qtTranslator) appTranslator = QtCore.QTranslator() if appTranslator.load("%s.qm" % locale[:2], ":/translations"): app.installTranslator(appTranslator) # Needed for initializing qsettings it will write # .config/leap/leap.conf top level app settings in a platform # independent way app.setOrganizationName("leap") app.setApplicationName("leap") app.setOrganizationDomain("leap.se") # XXX --------------------------------------------------------- # In quarantine, looks like we don't need it anymore. # This dummy timer ensures that control is given to the outside # loop, so we can hook our sigint handler. #timer = QtCore.QTimer() #timer.start(500) #timer.timeout.connect(lambda: None) # XXX --------------------------------------------------------- window = MainWindow(bypass_checks=bypass_checks, start_hidden=start_hidden) sigint_window = partial(sigint_handler, window, logger=logger) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_window) # callable used in addSystemEventTrigger to handle SIGTERM sigterm_window = partial(sigterm_handler, window, logger=logger) l = LoopingCall(QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents, 0, 10) l.start(0.01) # SIGTERM can't be handled the same way SIGINT is, since it's # caught by twisted. See _handleSignals method in # twisted/internet/base.py#L1150. So, addSystemEventTrigger # reactor's method is used. reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', sigterm_window) reactor.run() if __name__ == "__main__": main()