""" Setup file for leap.bitmask """ from setuptools import setup, find_packages import platform import versioneer # This requirements list is curated by hand, and # needs to be updated every time that requirements.pip # changes. # Note that here we can specify ranges. required = [ 'twisted>=14.0.0', 'cryptography', 'zope.interface', 'service-identity', 'colorama', 'srp', 'python-daemon', 'certifi', 'leap.common', ] if platform.system() == "Windows": required.append(['pypiwin32']) required.append(['appdirs']) required.append(['python-gnupg']) # TODO change to leap.soledad when we tag 0.10 mail_deps = ['leap.soledad[client]', 'gnupg'] gui_deps = ['vext.pyqt5', 'leap.bitmask_js'] tor_deps = ['txtorcon'] extras = { 'mail': mail_deps, 'gui': gui_deps, 'backend': mail_deps, 'all': mail_deps + gui_deps, 'tor': tor_deps } trove_classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop", ("License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General " "Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)"), "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7", "Topic :: Communications", 'Topic :: Communications :: Email', "Topic :: Security", 'Topic :: Security :: Cryptography', "Topic :: Utilities" ] VERSION = versioneer.get_version() DOWNLOAD_BASE = ('https://github.com/leapcode/bitmask-dev/' 'archive/%s.tar.gz') DOWNLOAD_URL = DOWNLOAD_BASE % VERSION # Entry points gui_launcher = 'bitmask=leap.bitmask.gui.app:start_app' bitmask_cli = 'bitmaskctl=leap.bitmask.cli.bitmask_cli:main' bitmask_helpers = 'bitmask_helpers=leap.bitmask.vpn.helpers:main' bitmaskd = 'bitmaskd=leap.bitmask.core.launcher:run_bitmaskd' setup( name='leap.bitmask', version=VERSION, cmdclass=versioneer.get_cmdclass(), url='https://leap.se/', download_url=DOWNLOAD_URL, license='GPLv3+', author='The LEAP Encryption Access Project', author_email='info@leap.se', maintainer='Kali Kaneko', maintainer_email='kali@leap.se', description=("The Internet Encryption Toolkit: " "Encrypted Internet Proxy and Encrypted Mail."), long_description=open('README.rst').read(), classifiers=trove_classifiers, namespace_packages=['leap'], package_dir={'': 'src'}, package_data={'': ['*.pem', '*.bin']}, packages=find_packages('src'), include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ gui_launcher, bitmask_cli, bitmaskd, bitmask_helpers] }, install_requires=required, extras_require=extras, )