0.9.1 November 03 - "the day of the calaca"

We were very pleased to announce Bitmask stable 0.9.1 :tada:.

This is a minor release and you can see changes on `the changelog`_.

The complete list of things that have changed since 0.8.x series can be seen on
`0.9.0 release notes`_
Don't miss the big pile of changes we brought you on 0.9.0 :)

Using the latest Bitmask, Linux users will be able to use our encrypted email
service, now in beta state! A Mac release is imminent and a windows release is

Currently we have a test provider for mail @ https://mail.bitmask.net This
provider is already bundled with Bitmask for easy access on the wizard. Please
help us test this and file bug reports here:

NOTE: beta means that we expect things not to break but we don't promise you
won't get any headaches or lose some email, so please be careful.

.. _`the changelog`: https://github.com/leapcode/bitmask_client/blob/0.9.1/CHANGELOG.rst
.. _`0.9.0 release notes`: https://github.com/leapcode/bitmask_client/blob/0.9.0/release-notes.rst