FROM debian:jessie MAINTAINER ENV PYTHON_VERSION=2.7.11 ENV OPENSSL_VERSION=1.0.2f ENV ZLIB_VERSION=1.2.8 ENV MINGW_VERSION=0.6.2-beta-20131004-1 ENV MINGW_BIN_VERSION=0.6.2-mingw32-beta-20131004-1-bin ENV WINEDEBUG=fixme-all ###### # install packages required to build # https-transport: winehq deb # winbind: pip install keyring (requirements.pip) needs this somehow # git-core: clone rw copy of repo and build specific commit # imagemagick: convert png to ico-files RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install \ unzip curl apt-transport-https \ winbind \ build-essential autoconf bison gperf flex libtool mingw-w64 \ git-core \ imagemagick \ pkg-config # install wine > 1.6.2 (debian:jessie version fails with pip) RUN dpkg --add-architecture i386 \ && curl | apt-key add - \ && echo 'deb jessie main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wine.list \ && apt-get update RUN curl${PYTHON_VERSION}/python-${PYTHON_VERSION}.msi > /tmp/python-${PYTHON_VERSION}.msi RUN curl -L${MINGW_VERSION}/mingw-get-${MINGW_BIN_VERSION}.zip/download > /tmp/ # alternative with messy python afterwards # RUN curl -L > /tmp/msvcforpython27.msi RUN curl -L${OPENSSL_VERSION}.tar.gz > /tmp/openssl-${OPENSSL_VERSION}.tar.gz RUN apt-get install -y winehq-staging RUN curl -L${MINGW_VERSION}/mingw-get-${MINGW_BIN_VERSION}.zip/download > /tmp/ RUN mkdir -p /root/.wine/drive_c/mingw \ && unzip -d /root/.wine/drive_c/mingw /tmp/ ####### # Build python dependency # using the 'host' (linux) xcompiler instead of fiddeling in wine # zlib - needs a update every 5 years # adds a patch that makes a shared lib - default is static RUN curl -L${ZLIB_VERSION}.tar.gz > /tmp/zlib-${ZLIB_VERSION}.tar.gz ADD zlib-mingw-shared.patch /zlib-mingw-shared.patch RUN mkdir -p /root/.wine/drive_c/zlib/src \ && mv /tmp/zlib-${ZLIB_VERSION}.tar.gz /root/.wine/drive_c/zlib/src \ && cd /root/.wine/drive_c/zlib/src \ && tar xzf zlib-${ZLIB_VERSION}.tar.gz \ && cd zlib-${ZLIB_VERSION} \ && patch -p0 < /zlib-mingw-shared.patch \ && make -f win32/Makefile.gcc PREFIX=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32- \ && make -f win32/Makefile.gcc INCLUDE_PATH=/root/.wine/drive_c/zlib/include LIBRARY_PATH=/root/.wine/drive_c/zlib/lib BINARY_PATH=/root/.wine/drive_c/zlib/bin install ###### # install gcc for most pip builds # install g++ for pycryptopp # this is mingw in wine, not to get confused with mingw-w64 in container-host RUN wine msiexec -i /tmp/python-${PYTHON_VERSION}.msi -q \ && wine c:/mingw/bin/mingw-get.exe install gcc g++ mingw32-make \ && rm -r /tmp/.wine-0 #### # pip configuration # set wine mingw compiler to be used by "python setup build" # set default include dirs, libraries and library paths # the libraries=crypto is added because srp will only link using -lssl but links to BN_* (libcrypto) code # 'install' zlib to mingw so python may find its dlls # pyside-rcc fix ( RUN printf "[build]\ncompiler=mingw32\n\n[build_ext]\ninclude_dirs=c:\\openssl\\include;c:\\zlib\\include\nlibraries=crypto\nlibrary_dirs=c:\\openssl\\lib;c:\\openssl\\bin;c:\\zlib\\lib;c:\\zlib\\bin" > /root/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Lib/distutils/distutils.cfg \ && printf 'REGEDIT4\n\n[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Environment]\n"PATH"="C:\\\\python27;C:\\\\python27\\\\Scripts;C:\\\\python27\\\\Lib\\\\site-packages\\\\PySide;C:\\\\mingw\\\\bin;c:\\\\windows;c:\\\\windows\\\\system"' > /root/.wine/drive_c/path.reg \ && printf 'REGEDIT4\n\n[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Environment]\n"OPENSSL_CONF"="C:\\\\openssl"' > /root/.wine/drive_c/openssl_conf.reg \ && printf 'REGEDIT4\n\n[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Environment]\n"PYTHONPATH"="C:\\\\python27\\\\lib\\\\site-packages;Z:\\\\var\\\\build\\\\bitmask_rw\\\\src"' > /root/.wine/drive_c/pythonpath.reg \ && cp /root/.wine/drive_c/zlib/bin/zlib1.dll /root/.wine/drive_c/mingw/bin \ && cp /root/.wine/drive_c/zlib/lib/libz.dll.a /root/.wine/drive_c/mingw/lib #### # prepare the environment with all python dependencies installed # inject dirspec from distribution # RUN apt-get install -y python-dirspec \ && cp -r /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dirspec* /root/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Lib/site-packages/ RUN apt-get install -y python-setuptools RUN wine regedit /root/.wine/drive_c/path.reg \ && wine regedit /root/.wine/drive_c/openssl_conf.reg \ && wine regedit /root/.wine/drive_c/pythonpath.reg \ && wine pip install virtualenv pyinstaller \ && wine pip install wheel \ && wine pip install -U setuptools-scm \ && wine pip install -U setuptools_scm \ && wine pip install -U pyside python-qt \ && wine pip install -I psutil==3.4.2 \ && rm -r /tmp/.wine-0 # alternative msvc: after python is installed (or before?) # && wine msiexec -i /tmp/msvcforpython27.msi -q \ RUN apt-get -y install \ mc ENTRYPOINT ["/var/src/bitmask/pkg/windows/"]