.. _hacking:


Some hints oriented to `leap.mail` hackers. These notes are mostly related to
the imap server, although they probably will be useful for other pieces too.

Don't panic! Just manhole into it

If you want to inspect the objects living in your application memory, in
realtime, you can manhole into it.

First of all, check that the modules ``PyCrypto`` and ``pyasn1`` are installed
into your system, they are needed for it to work.

You just have to pass the ``LEAP_MAIL_MANHOLE=1`` enviroment variable while
launching the client::

  LEAP_MAIL_MANHOLE=1 bitmask --debug

And then you can ssh into your application! (password is "leap")::

  ssh boss@localhost -p 2222

Did I mention how *awesome* twisted is?? ``:)``

If using ``twistd`` to launch the server, you can use twisted profiling

  LEAP_MAIL_CONF=~/.leapmailrc twistd --profile=/tmp/mail-profiling -n -y imap-server.tac

``--profiler`` option allows you to select different profilers (default is

You can also do profiling when using the ``bitmask`` client. Enable the
``LEAP_PROFILE_IMAPCMD`` environment flag to get profiling of certain IMAP

 LEAP_PROFILE_IMAPCMD=1 bitmask --debug

Offline mode

The client has an ``--offline`` flag that will make the Mail services (imap,
currently) not try to sync with remote replicas. Very useful during development,
although you need to login with the remote server at least once before being
able to use it.

Running the service with twistd

In order to run the mail service (currently, the imap server only), you will
need a config with this info::

  userid = "user@provider"
  uuid = "deadbeefdeadabad"
  passwd = "foobar" # Optional

In the ``LEAP_MAIL_CONF`` enviroment variable. If you do not specify a password
parameter, you'll be prompted for it.

In order to get the user uid (uuid), look into the
``~/.config/leap/leap-backend.conf`` file after you have logged in into your
provider at least once.

Run the twisted service::

  LEAP_IMAP_CONFIG=~/.leapmailrc twistd -n -y imap-server.tac

Now you can telnet into your local IMAP server and read your mail like a real

  % telnet localhost 1984
  Connected to localhost.
  Escape character is '^]'.
  tag LOGIN me@myprovider.net mahsikret
  tag OK LOGIN succeeded
  tag SELECT Inbox
  * 2 EXISTS
  * 1 RECENT
  * FLAGS (\Seen \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Draft \Recent List)
  * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1410453885932] UIDs valid
  tag OK [READ-WRITE] SELECT successful
  telnet> Connection closed.

Although you probably prefer to use ``offlineimap`` for tests:: 

  offlineimap -c LEAPofflineimapRC-tests

Minimal offlineimap configuration

You can use this as a sample offlineimap config file::

  accounts = leap-local

  [Account leap-local]
  localrepository = LocalLeap
  remoterepository = RemoteLeap

  [Repository LocalLeap]
  type = Maildir
  localfolders = ~/LEAPMail/Mail

  [Repository RemoteLeap]
  type = IMAP
  ssl = no
  remotehost = localhost
  remoteport = 1984
  remoteuser = user
  remotepass = pass

Testing utilities
There are a bunch of utilities to test IMAP delivery in ``imap/tests`` folder.
If looking for a quick way of inspecting mailboxes, have a look at ``getmail``::

 ./getmail me@testprovider.net mahsikret
 1. Drafts
 3. Trash
 Which mailbox? [1] 2
 1 Subject: this is the time of the revolution
 2 Subject: ignore me

 Which message? [1] (Q quits) 1
 1 X-Leap-Provenance: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:52:11 -0000; pubkey="C1F8DE10BD151F99"
 Received: from mx1.testprovider.net(mx1.testprovider.net [])
 (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits))
 (Client CN "*.foobar.net", Issuer "Gandi Standard SSL CA" (not verified))
 by blackhole (Postfix) with ESMTPS id DEADBEEF
 for <me@testprovider.net>; Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:52:10 +0000 (UTC)
 Delivered-To: 926d4915cfd42b6d96d38660c04613af@testprovider.net
 Message-Id: <20140911165205.GB8054@samsara>
 From: Kali <kali@leap.se>

Debugging IMAP commands

Use ``ngrep`` to obtain logs of the commands::

  sudo ngrep -d lo -W byline port 1984

To get verbose output from thunderbird/icedove, set the following environment

  NSPR_LOG_MODULES="imap:5" icedove