0.5.1 - 04 Apr, 2016

-  Create an iterator on EncryptionKey to be able to represent it as a dict

0.5.0 - 18 Apr, 2016

- `#7485 <https://leap.se/code/issues/7485>`_: Move validation, usage and audited date to the active document.
- `#7713 <https://leap.se/code/issues/7713>`_: Update soledad documents by adding versioning field.
- `#7500 <https://leap.se/code/issues/7500>`_: Use fingerprints instead of key ids.
- `#7712 <https://leap.se/code/issues/7712>`_: Document the soledad docs fields.
- Make EncryptionKey aware of the active address.
- Defer encrypt, decrypt and gen_key operations from gnupg to external threads,
  limited by cpu core amount.

- `#7974 <https://leap.se/code/issues/7974>`_: Return KeyNotFound Failure if not valid key is given to put_raw_key.

- This version includes changes in the Soledad Documents and minor modifications to the API.
- Changelog migrated to rst.