:LastChangedDate: $LastChangedDate$ :LastChangedRevision: $LastChangedRevision$ :LastChangedBy: $LastChangedBy$ .. _vpn: Bitmask VPN ================================ The Bitmask VPN Module Gateway Selection ----------------------------------- By default, the Gateway Selector will apply a heuristic based on the configured timezone of the system. This will choose the closest gateway based on the timezones that the provider states in the ``eip-config.json`` file. If the locations section is not properly set by the provider, or if the user wants to manually override the selection, the only way to do this for the ``0.10`` version of Bitmask is to add a section to the ``bitmaskd.cfg`` configuration file:: [vpn] locations = ["rio__br"] countries = ["BR", "AR", "UY"] Take into account that the locations entry has precedence over the country codes enumeration. Also, the normalization is done so that any non-alphabetic character is substituted by an underscore ('``_``). You can list all the configured locations using the CLI:: % bitmaskctl vpn list demo.bitmask.net [DE] Frankfurt (UTC+1) demo.bitmask.net [US] Seattle, WA (UTC-7) This manual override functionality will be exposed through the UI and the CLI in release ``0.11``. Autostart --------- Autostart is not implemented yet in the 0.10 versions of Bitmask, but you can probably use a systemd script to launch vpn. If you have the latest master installed from a debian package:: [Unit] Description=Bitmask VPN Documentation=https://bitmask.net/en/help [Service] Type=oneshot WorkingDirectory=/var/run/bitmask ExecStart=bitmaskctl vpn start demo.bitmask.net ExecStop=bitmaskctl vpn stop RemainAfterExit=yes [Install] WantedBy=default.target