.. _testhowto: Howto for Testers ================= This document covers a how-to guide to: #. Quickly fetching latest development code, and #. Reporting bugs. Let's go! .. _fetchinglatest: Fetching latest development code --------------------------------- To allow rapid testing in different platforms, we have put together a quick script that is able to fetch latest development code. It more or less does all the steps covered in the :ref:`Setting up a Work Enviroment <environment>` section, only that in a more compact way suitable (ahem) also for non developers. .. note:: In the near future, we will be using :ref:`standalone bundles <standalone-bundle>` with the ability to self-update. Install dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First, install all the base dependencies plus git, virtualenv and development files needed to compile several extensions:: apt-get install openvpn git-core python-dev python-qt4 python-setuptools python-virtualenv Bootstrap script ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. note:: This will fetch the *develop* branch. If you want to test another branch, just change it in the line starting with *pip install...*. Alternatively, bug kali so she add an option branch to a decent script. .. note:: This script could make use of the after_install hook. Read http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv/ Download and source the following script in the parent folder where you want your testing build to be downloaded. For instance, to `/tmp/`: .. code-block:: bash cd /tmp wget https://raw.github.com/leapcode/bitmask_client/develop/pkg/scripts/bitmask_bootstrap.sh source bitmask_bootstrap.sh Tada! If everything went well, you should be able to run bitmask by typing:: bitmask Noticed that your prompt changed? That was *virtualenv*. Keep reading... Activating the virtualenv ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The above bootstrap script has fetched latest code inside a virtualenv, which is an isolated, *virtual* python local environment that avoids messing with your global paths. You will notice you are *inside* a virtualenv because you will see a modified prompt reminding it to you (*bitmask-testbuild* in this case). Thus, if you forget to *activate your virtualenv*, bitmask will not run from the local path, and it will be looking for something else in your global path. So, **you have to remember to activate your virtualenv** each time that you open a new shell and want to execute the code you are testing. You can do this by typing:: $ source bin/activate from the directory where you *sourced* the bootstrap script. Refer to :ref:`Working with virtualenv <virtualenv>` to learn more about virtualenv. Copying config files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you have never installed ``bitmask`` globally, **you need to copy some files to its proper path before running it for the first time** (you only need to do this once). This, unless the virtualenv-based operations, will need root permissions. See :ref:`copy script files <copyscriptfiles>` and :ref:`running openvpn without root privileges <policykit>` sections for more info on this. In short:: $ sudo cp pkg/linux/polkit/net.openvpn.gui.leap.policy /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/ $ sudo mkdir -p /etc/leap $ sudo cp pkg/linux/resolv-update /etc/leap Local config files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you want to start fresh without config files, just move them. In linux:: mv ~/.config/leap ~/.config/leap.old Pulling latest changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You should be able to cd into the downloaded repo and pull latest changes:: (bitmask-testbuild)$ cd src/bitmask (bitmask-testbuild)$ git pull origin develop However, as a tester you are encouraged to run the whole bootstrap process from time to time to help us catching install and versioniing bugs too. Testing the packages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When we have a release candidate for the supported platforms (Debian stable, Ubuntu 12.04 by now), we will announce also the URI where you can download the rc for testing in your system. Stay tuned! Testing the status of translations ---------------------------------- We need translators! You can go to `transifex <https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/bitmask/>`_, get an account and start contributing. If you want to check the current status of bitmask localization in a language other than the one set in your machine, you can do it with a simple trick (under linux). For instance, do:: $ lang=es_ES bitmask for running Bitmask with the spanish locales. Reporting bugs -------------- .. admonition:: Reporting better bugs There is a great text on the art of bug reporting, that can be found `online <http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html>`_. .. TODO add a line with ref. to running Bitmask in debug mode... We use the `Bitmask Bug Tracker <https://leap.se/code/projects/eip-client>`_, although you can also use `Github issues <https://github.com/leapcode/bitmask/issues>`_.