
graphical client to control LEAP, the encrypted internet access toolkit.

:Author: LEAP Encryption Access Project https://leap.se
:Date:   2014-05-19
:Copyright: GPLv3+
:Version: 0.5.1
:Manual section: 1
:Manual group: General Commands Manual


bitmask [-h] [-d] [-l [LOG FILE]] [--openvpn-verbosity [OPENVPN_VERB]]


*bitmask* is a graphical client to control LEAP, the encrypted internet access toolkit.

When launched, it places an icon in the system tray from where the LEAP services can be controlled.


general options

**-h, --help**                  Print a help message and exit.

**-l, --logfile=<file>**        Writes log to file. 

**-s, --standalone**          Makes Bitmask use standalone directories for configuration and binary searching.

**-V, --version**             Displays Bitmask version and exits.

openvpn options

**--openvpn-verbosity** [0-5]   Verbosity level for openvpn logs.

debug options
**-d, --debug**                 Launches client in debug mode, writing debug info to stdout.

**--danger**                    Bypasses the certificate check for bootstrap. This open the possibility of MITM attacks, so use only to debug providers in controlled environments, and never in production.


Bitmask now (since version 0.3.0) supports the encrypted mail service with providers that offer it.

Mail client configuration

To be able to use the mail services, you should configure your mail client to
talk to the following ports:

**STMP**:                       localhost:2013

**IMAP**:                       localhost:1984

For the time being, we have successfully tested this functionality in thunderbird.

Mail poll period

If you want to change the default polling time for fetching mail, you can use
a environment variable: BITMASK_MAILCHECK_PERIOD


This software is still in its early phases of testing. So don't trust your life to it! 



PolicyKit policy file, used for granting access to bitmask-root without the need of entering a password each time.


Helper to launch and stop openvpn and the bitmask firewall.


Main config folder


GUI options


Please report any bugs to https://leap.se/code