======= bitmask ======= ------------------------------------------------------------------------ graphical client to control LEAP, the encrypted internet access toolkit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ :Author: LEAP Encryption Access Project https://leap.se :Date: 2014-05-19 :Copyright: GPLv3+ :Version: 0.5.1 :Manual section: 1 :Manual group: General Commands Manual SYNOPSIS ======== bitmask [-h] [-d] [-l [LOG FILE]] [--openvpn-verbosity [OPENVPN_VERB]] DESCRIPTION =========== *bitmask* is a graphical client to control LEAP, the encrypted internet access toolkit. When launched, it places an icon in the system tray from where the LEAP services can be controlled. OPTIONS ======= general options --------------- **-h, --help** Print a help message and exit. **-l, --logfile=<file>** Writes log to file. **-s, --standalone** Makes Bitmask use standalone directories for configuration and binary searching. **-V, --version** Displays Bitmask version and exits. openvpn options --------------- **--openvpn-verbosity** [0-5] Verbosity level for openvpn logs. debug options ------------- **-d, --debug** Launches client in debug mode, writing debug info to stdout. **--danger** Bypasses the certificate check for bootstrap. This open the possibility of MITM attacks, so use only to debug providers in controlled environments, and never in production. ENCRYPTED MAIL ============== Bitmask now (since version 0.3.0) supports the encrypted mail service with providers that offer it. Mail client configuration ------------------------- To be able to use the mail services, you should configure your mail client to talk to the following ports: **STMP**: localhost:2013 **IMAP**: localhost:1984 For the time being, we have successfully tested this functionality in thunderbird. Mail poll period ---------------- If you want to change the default polling time for fetching mail, you can use a environment variable: BITMASK_MAILCHECK_PERIOD WARNING ======= This software is still in its early phases of testing. So don't trust your life to it! FILES ===== /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/se.leap.bitmask.policy ------------------------------------------------------- PolicyKit policy file, used for granting access to bitmask-root without the need of entering a password each time. /usr/sbin/bitmask-root ------------------------ Helper to launch and stop openvpn and the bitmask firewall. ~/.config/leap/ --------------- Main config folder ~/.config/leap/leap.conf ------------------------ GUI options BUGS ==== Please report any bugs to https://leap.se/code