~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run `git config commit.template docs/hooks/leap-commit-template` or edit the .git/config for this project and add `template = docs/hooks/leap-commit-template` under the [commit] block ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMMIT TEMPLATE FORMAT EXPLAINED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [type] <subject> <body> <footer> Type should be one of the following: - bug (bug fix) - feat (new feature) - docs (changes to documentation) - style (formatting, pep8 violations, etc; no code change) - refactor (refactoring production code) - test (adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change) - pkg (packaging related changes; no production code change) - i18n translation related changes Subject should use imperative tone and say what you did. For example, use 'change', NOT 'changed' or 'changes'. The body should go into detail about changes made. The footer should contain any issue references or actions. You can use one or several of the following: - Resolves: #XYZ - Related: #XYZ - Documentation: #XYZ - Releases: XYZ The Documentation field should be included in every new feature commit, and it should link to an issue in the bug tracker where the new feature is analyzed and documented. For a full example of how to write a good commit message, check out http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/.