.. _uidev:

Bitmask's Javascript User Interface

Some notes specific to development of the javascript ui interface. For more detail, see ``ui/README.md``.

Run headless backend in development mode


.. note: move this snippet to a common include!

  sudo apt install build-essential python-dev python-virtualenv \
                   libsqlcipher-dev libssl-dev libffi-dev

Install and activate a virtualenv::

  cd bitmask-dev
  virtualenv venv
  source venv/bin/activate

(Refer to the `virtualenv documentation` if you're not using bash/zsh/dash).

All the subsequent commands assume that you have activated the virtualenv.

Install all the python dependencies::

  make dev-backend

Run application::


.. _`virtualenv documentation`: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/userguide/#activate-script

Run user interface frontend

If you want to run the Bitmask user interface, you additionally need the


  sudo apt install python-pyqt5  python-pyqt5.qtwebkit

Install python dependencies::

  make dev-all

Note: even though the UI is in javascript, Qt is used to create a webview

Run user interface::


The command `bitmask` should be in your path if you have activated the virtual

Install Bitmask user interface in development mode

The above instructions will install a python package that contains a pre-
bundled version of the javascript UI.

If you want to modify the javascript UI, then you need to be able to update the
javascript bundle whenever a javascript or CSS source file changes. To support
this, we build a python package of the javascript UI and install it in
"development mode" so that changes to the contents of the package are reflected
in bitmaskd immediately.


  sudo apt install nodejs npm nodejs-legacy

Next, run ``dev-install``::

  cd ui
  make dev-install

Now you should be able to run the user interface with debugging tools::

  cd ui
  npm run ui

This command is the same as running::

  chromium-browser "http://localhost:7070/#$(cat ~/.config/leap/authtoken)"

Firefox does not work as well, because the UI is only tested with webkit-based

Chromium is not the most ideal, however, because it uses a newer webkit than is
available in Qt. Instead, try qupzilla::

  sudo apt install qupzilla
  qupzilla -ow "http://localhost:7070/#$(cat ~/.config/leap/authtoken)"

If you make a change to any of the CSS or JS source files, you need to rebuild
the javascript bundle. You can do this continually as files change like so::

  cd ui
  node run watch

The new javascript bundle will be used when you refresh the page so long as
``make dev-install`` was previously run.