.. _release-checklist: Bitmask Release Checklist ========================= CI check -------- * [ ] Check that all tests are passing! * [ ] Fix any broken tests. Version bumps and Tagging ------------------------- * [ ] Update pkg/next-release * [ ] Update release-notes.rst in leap.bitmask if needed. * [ ] Update version in bitmask_client/pkg/linux/bitmask-root if needed. * [ ] Tag everything. Should be done for the following packages, in order: * [ ] 1. leap.common * [ ] 3. leap.soledad * [ ] 5. leap.bitmask * [ ] 6. leap.mx * [ ] git fetch origin * [ ] git tag -l, and see the latest tagged version (unless it's not a minor version bump, in which case, just bump to it) * [ ] export version: export RELEASE=0.9.0 * [ ] (maybe) cherry-pick specific commits * [ ] (maybe) add special fixes for this release * [ ] Review pkg/requirements.pip for everything, update if needed (that's why the order). - See whatever has been introduced in changes/VERSION_COMPAT - Reset changes/VERSION_COMPAT - Bump all the leap-requirements altogether. * [ ] git commit -am "Update requirements file" * [ ] git commit -S -m "[pkg] Update changelog" * [ ] git tag --sign $RELEASE -m "Tag version $RELEASE" * If everything went ok, push the tag. * [ ] cd ui && make dist-build && make dist-upload Bundles ------- * [ ] Build and upload bundles: [ ] make bundle_in_docker * [ ] Sign: make pyinst-sign * [ ] Upload bundle and signature to downloads.leap.se/client/<os>/Bitmask-<os>-<ver>.(tar.bz2,dmg,zip) * [ ] make pyinst-upload * [ ] Update symbolic link for latest upload and signature: * [ ] ~/public/client/Bitmask-<os>-latest * [ ] ~/public/client/Bitmask-<os>-latest.asc Debian packages --------------- * [ ] update changelog * [ ] upload staging packages to release component Pypi upload --------------- * [ ] python setup.py sdist upload --sign -i kali@leap.se -r pypi Announcing --------------- * [ ] Announce (use release-notes.rst) * [ ] Mail leap@lists.riseup.net * [ ] Twitter * [ ] Gnusocial * [ ] Post in leap.se