.. _osx-dev: Setting up a development environment in OSX™ ============================================ .. note: work in progress * Make sure you're using a new enough version of pip (1.8 or newest). This will make all the problems with ``cryptography`` going away, since it will install the statically built wheel. * Use ``brew`` to install ``OpenSSL``. * **Problem**: pyqt5 in homebrew stopped shipping qtwebkit. I found the following workaround in an issue in qutebrowser's repo, works fine for me for now:: cd $(brew --prefix)/Library/Formula curl -OO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew/f802822b0fa35ad362aebd0101ccf83a638bed37/Library/Formula/{py,}qt5.rb brew install qt5 pyqt5 Privileged helper ================= The OSX privileged helper is in ``src/leap/bitmask/vpn/fw/osx/``. .. note: move it to vpn/helpers/osx It is a python daemon that runs as root. It should be installed by the Bitmask installer. If you have to stop it:: sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist And, to load it again:: sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist Debugging bitmask-helper ------------------------ Bitmask communicates with the privileged ``bitmask-helper`` through a unix socket. If you need to debug the privileged helper (for instance, if you need to tear down the firewall after a crash), you can do it like this with ``socat``:: echo 'firewall_stop/CMD' | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/bitmask-helper.socket Other helpers ------------- There are other helpers that the installer drops in a well-know path. These are shipped in ``pkg/osx``, and copied to ``/Applications/Bitmask.app/Contents/Resources``. .. note: cleanup unused helpers Other notes =========== PySide vs QtWebKit ------------------ http://qtwebkit.blogspot.nl/2016/08/qtwebkit-im-back.html Running OSX on KVM ------------------ The following notes are not yet tested, but might be useful for development. * https://github.com/kholia/OSX-KVM