.. _osx-dev:

Setting up a development environment in OSX™

(work in progress)

* Make sure you're using a new enough version of pip (1.8 or newest).
This will make all the problems with ``cryptography`` going away, since it will
install the statically built wheel.

* Use ``brew`` to install ``OpenSSL``.

* **Problem**: pyqt5 in homebrew stopped shipping qtwebkit. I found the following
workaround in an issue in qutebrowser's repo, works fine for me for now::

  cd $(brew --prefix)/Library/Formula
  curl -OO
  brew install qt5 pyqt5

Debugging bitmask-helper

Bitmask communicates with the privileged ``bitmask-helper`` through a unix
socket. If you need to debug the privileged helper (for instance, if you need to
tear down the firewall after a crash), you can do it like this with

  echo 'firewall_stop/CMD' | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/bitmask-helper.socket

Other notes

PySide vs QtWebKit:


Running OSX on KVM

The following notes are not yet tested, but might be useful for development.

* https://github.com/kholia/OSX-KVM