:LastChangedDate: $LastChangedDate$ :LastChangedRevision: $LastChangedRevision$ :LastChangedBy: $LastChangedBy$ Hacking ======================================== So you want to hack on Bitmask? Thanks, and welcome! This document assumes a ``Linux`` environment. There are also ongoing documents with notes for setting up an :ref:`OSX <osx-dev>` and a :ref:`Windows <win-dev>` working environments too, contribution is very much welcome on those docs! Running tests ------------- Tox is all you need:: tox Test when changes are made to common/soledad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are developing against a non-published branch of ``leap.common`` or ``leap.soledad``, run instead:: tox -e py27-dev This expects ``leap_common`` and ``soledad`` repos to be checked out in the parent folder. Gitlab-runner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For debugging issues related to how tests are run by the gitlab CI, you need to install: * docker_ce from docker's repositories. * gitlab-runner from `gitlab's repositories`_ You probably want to add `sleep 9000` to allow debuggin on the docker container. For convenience, you can execute the packaging step by doing:: make package_in_docker Look at the ``Makefile`` to see the command that it's actually used. .. _`gitlab's repositories`: https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/runner/gitlab-runner/script.deb.sh Architecture ------------ There is a small :ref:`explanation of the bitmask components <architecture>` that might be helpful to get you started with the different moving parts of the Bitmask codebase. User Interface -------------- The :ref:`Javascript User Interface <uidev>` has its own guide for developers. Setup ----- Read how to :ref:`setup your python development environment <devenv>` to start coding in no time. Debug ----- A must-read for debugging the Bitmask Core daemon is the :ref:`manhole HowTo <manhole>`. Privileges ---------- Bitmask VPN needs administrative privileges. For developing, you need to be sure that you have :ref:`installed the privileged helpers <privileges>` and that you keep them udpated. Contributing ------------ There are some :ref:`guidelines for contributing code <contributing>` that you might want to check if you are insterested in developing with Bitmask. Submitting a Bug ---------------- You can read more about how to submit a bug in the section on `Testing and QA <../testing/index>`_. Release ------- We keep a :ref:`checklist <release-checklist>` for the release process. Ideas ----- Want to help, but you don't know where to start? Come talk to us on irc or the mailing list! Some areas in which we always need contribution are: * Localization of the client (talk to elijah). * Multiplatform gitlab runners * Windows and OSX packaging (talk to kali) * Windows Firewall integration for VPN * Migrating components to py3 (look for vshyba or kali). * Minimal C++ Qt client (see `kali's bitmaskqt5 repo`_) .. _`kali's bitmaskqt5 repo`: https://github.com/kalikaneko/bitmaskqt5