:LastChangedDate: $LastChangedDate$ :LastChangedRevision: $LastChangedRevision$ :LastChangedBy: $LastChangedBy$ Hacking ================================= blah blah Running tests --------------------------------- Tox is all you need:: tox Test when changes are made to common/soledad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are developing against a non-published branch of ``leap.common`` or ``leap.soledad``, run instead:: tox -e py27-dev This expects ``leap_common`` and ``soledad`` repos to be checked out in the parent folder. Setting up the development environment -------------------------------------- Dependencies:: sudo apt install build-essential python-virtualenv libsqlcipher-dev \ libssl-dev libffi-dev There are different requirements files:: ... How to contribute --------------------------------- Merge requests to https://0xacab/leap/bitmask-dev Coding conventions --------------------------------- * pep8 * Git messages should be informative. * There is a pre-commit hook ready to be used in the ``docs/hooks`` folder, alongside some other hooks to do autopep8 on each commit. .. include:: ../hooks/leap-commit-template.README :literal: Pinning ---------------------------------- Only in the requirements files. Signing your commits --------------------------------- * For contributors with commit access Developing on the gui --------------------------------- blah blah. see some other README Developing on the Javascript UI --------------------------------- blah blah. see the main README Developing on the Thunderbird Extension --------------------------------------- blah blah Making a new release -------------------- A checklist for the release process can be found :ref:`here <release>` As part of the release we also tag upload snapshots of the `leap.bitmask_js` package, in order to allow installation of the javascript application without needing to compile the javascript and html assets. This is done with:: cd ui make dist-build and then you can upload it to pypi:: make dist-upload Contribution ideas ------------------ Want to help? Some areas in which we always need contribution are: * Localization of the client (talk to elijah). * Multiplatform gitlab runners * Windows and OSX packaging * Windows Firewall integration for VPN * Migrating components to py3 (look for vshyba or kali).