:LastChangedDate: $LastChangedDate$
:LastChangedRevision: $LastChangedRevision$
:LastChangedBy: $LastChangedBy$

blah blah

Running tests

Tox is all you need::


Test when changes are made to common/soledad

If you are developing against a non-published branch of ``leap.common`` or
``leap.soledad``, run instead::

  tox -e py27-dev

This expects ``leap_common`` and ``soledad`` repos to be checked out in the
parent folder.

Setting up the development environment


  sudo apt install build-essential python-virtualenv libsqlcipher-dev \
        libssl-dev libffi-dev

There are different requirements files::


How to contribute

Merge requests to https://0xacab/leap/bitmask-dev

Coding conventions
* pep8
* Git messages should be informative.
* There is a pre-commit hook ready to be used in the ``docs/hooks`` folder,
  alongside some other hooks to do autopep8 on each commit.

.. include:: ../hooks/leap-commit-template.README

Only in the requirements files.

Signing your commits
* For contributors with commit access

Developing on the gui
blah blah. see some other README

Developing on the Javascript UI
blah blah. see the main README

Developing on the Thunderbird Extension
blah blah

Making a new release
A checklist for the release process can be found :ref:`here <release>`

As part of the release we also tag upload snapshots of the `leap.bitmask_js`
package, in order to allow installation of the javascript application without
needing to compile the javascript and html assets. This is done with::

   cd ui
   make dist-build

and then you can upload it to pypi::

   make dist-upload

Contribution ideas
Want to help?

Some areas in which we always need contribution are:

* Localization of the client (talk to elijah).
* Multiplatform gitlab runners
* Windows and OSX packaging
* Windows Firewall integration for VPN
* Migrating components to py3 (look for vshyba or kali).