.. _i18n: Internationalization ==================== This part of the documentation covers the localization and translation of LEAP Client. Because we want to *bring fire to the people*, in as many countries and languages as possible. Translating the LEAP Client PyQt Application -------------------------------------------- .. raw:: html <div><a target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none; color:black; font-size:66%" href="https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/leap-client/resource/leap-client/" title="See more information on Transifex.com">Top translations: leap-client ยป leap-client</a><br/><img border="0" src="https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/leap-client/resource/leap-client/chart/image_png"/><br/><a target="_blank" href="https://www.transifex.com/"><img border="0" src="https://ds0k0en9abmn1.cloudfront.net/static/charts/images/tx-logo-micro.646b0065fce6.png"/></a></div> For translators ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. note:: We should probably move the translators info to a top level section of the docs, and leave this as internal notes. We are using `transifex <http://transifex.com/projects/p/leap-client>`_ to coordinate translation efforts. If you want to contribute, just sign up there and ... .. note:: ... and what?? For devs: i18n conventions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. note:: should say something about our special cases (provider labels and exceptions) when we get decision about it. Refer to `pyqt documentation <http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/static/Docs/PyQt4/html/i18n.html>`_. tl;dr;:: self.tr('your string') for any string that you want to be translated. .. Note about this: there seems to be some problems with the .tr method on QObjects. Investigate this. I still believe we can use a generic _ method which is smart enough to fallback to QObject.tr methods or lookup our own tr implementation (for our multilungual objects, like in exceptions or provider labels that came from json objects). --kali For i18n maintainers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You need ``pylupdate4`` for these steps. To get it, in debian:: $ apt-get install python-qt4-utils If you do not already have it, install the ``transifex-client`` from the cheese shop:: pip install transifex-client You can learn more about the transifex-client `here <http://help.transifex.com/features/client/index.html>`_. **1.** Add any new source files to the project file, ``data/leap_client.pro``. *We should automate this with some templating, it's tedious.* **2.** Update the source .ts file ``data/ts/en_US.ts``.:: $ make translations **3.** Push source .ts file to transifex:: $ tx push -s **4.** Let the translation fairies do their work... **5.** *Et voila!* Get updated .ts files for each language from ``Transifex``. For instance, to pull updated spanish translations:: $ tx pull -l es Pulling new translations for resource leap-client.leap-client (source: data/ts/en_US.ts) -> es: data/translations/es.ts Done. Note that there is a configuration option in ``.tx/config`` for setting the minimum completion percentage needed to be able to actually pull a resource. **6.** Generate .qm files from the updated .ts files:: $ make translations and yes, it's the same command than in step 2. One less thing to remember :) **7.** Check that the .qm for the language you're working with is listed in ``data/resources/locale.qrc`` file. That should take the translated files from ``data/translations`` **8.** Re-generate ``src/leap/gui/locale_qrc``. This is the embedded resource file that we load in the main app entry point; and from where we load the data for the qt translator object:: $ make resources If you want to try it, just set your LANG environment variable:: $ LANG=es_ES leap-client Translating the Documentation ------------------------------ .. note:: ...unfinished `translating sphinx docs <http://sphinx-doc.org/intl.html>`_