Bitmask =========================================================== *Your internet encryption toolkit* .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status .. image:: :target: :alt: IRC .. image:: :target: :alt: IRC-es **Bitmask** is the client for the services offered by `the LEAP Platform`_. It contains a command-line interface and a multiplatform desktop client. It can be also used as a set of libraries to communicate with the different services from third party applications. It is written in python using `Twisted`_ and licensed under the `GPL3`_. The Graphical User Interface is written in html+js and uses `PyQt5`_ for serving the application. .. _`the LEAP Platform`: .. _`Twisted`: .. _`PyQt5`: .. _`GPL3`: Package under development! ----------------------------------------------------------- The previous client using PySide has been deprecated (Bitmask version 0.9.2, still available at the repo). Read the Docs! ----------------------------------------------------------- There is documentation about Bitmask `for users`_ and `for developers`_. .. _`for users`: .. _`for developers`: Bugs =========================================================== Please report any bugs `in our bug tracker`_. .. _`in our bug tracker`: Logs ---- If you want to watch the logs, from the command line:: bitmaskctl logs watch The paste command can be handy to do bug reports (needs ``pastebinit`` installed in the system):: bitmaskctl logs send but do not upload anything that you do not want to make public ;) Development =========================================================== Running Tests ----------------------------------------------------------- You need tox to run the tests. If you don't have it in your system yet:: pip install tox And then run all the python tests:: tox There are some minimal end-to-end tests:: make test_e2e For testing the UI (aka ``bitmask-js``) you need to have ``mocha`` installed. You can run ui tests like this:: cd ui && make test More info abou testing can be found in the ``docs/hacking/testing`` document. Hacking ----------------------------------------------------------- In order to run bitmask in a development environment, you must activate a virtualenv and install the various packages using `pip install -e`. This installs python packages as links to the source code, so that your code changes are immediately reflected in the packages installed in the virtualenv. The various ``make dev-*`` commands will run the appropriate ``pip install`` commands for you. If you want to setup your whole development environment, and you are running a debian-based system, you can use:: make dev-bootstrap That should install all the system dependencies, create a virtualenv for you, and drop you in a shell inside that virtualenv. In the future, you can enter this virtualenv again by using ``pew``:: pew workon bitmask To upgrade regularly the python dependencies installed inside your virtualenv, you can run:: make upgrade-all inside your virtualenv, and it will install any new version of your dependencies that is found in pypi. Check out the ``docs/hacking`` page for more extense instructions `to get you started`_. .. _`to get you started`: License =========================================================== .. image:: Bitmask is released under the terms of the `GNU GPL version 3`_ or later. .. _`GNU GPL version 3`: