Bitmask ======= *your internet encryption toolkit* .. image:: :target: **Bitmask** is the multiplatform desktop client for the services offered by `the LEAP Platform`_. It is written in python using `PySide`_ and licensed under the GPL3. Currently we distribute pre-compiled `bundles`_ for Linux, OSX and Windows. .. _`PySide`: .. _`the LEAP Platform`: .. _`bundles`: Read the Docs! ------------------ The latest documentation is available at `Read The Docs`_. .. _`Read The Docs`: Dependencies ------------------ Bitmask depends on these libraries: * ``python 2.6`` or ``2.7`` * ``qt4 libraries`` * ``libopenssl`` * ``openvpn`` Python packages are listed in ``pkg/requirements.pip`` and ``pkg/test-requirements.pip`` Getting dependencies under debian ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ With a Debian based system, to be able to run Bitmask you need to run the following command:: $ sudo apt-get install openvpn python-pyside pyside-tools python-setuptools python-all-dev python-pip python-dev python-openssl Installing ----------- After getting the source and installing all the dependencies, proceed to install ``bitmask`` package:: $ make $ sudo python2 install Running ------- After a successful installation, there should be a launcher called ``bitmask`` somewhere in your path:: $ bitmask If you are testing a new provider and do not have a CA certificate chain tied to your SSL certificate, you should execute Bitmask in the following way:: $ bitmask --danger But **DO NOT use it on a regular basis**. **WARNING**: If you use the --danger flag you may be victim to a MITM_ attack without noticing. Use at your own risk. .. _MITM: Hacking ======= Get the source from the main Bitmask repo:: git clone The code is also browsable online at:: Some steps need to be run when setting a development environment for the first time. Enable a **virtualenv** to isolate your libraries. (Current *.gitignore* knows about a virtualenv in the root tree. If you do not like that place, just change ``.`` for *<>*):: $ virtualenv . $ source bin/activate Make sure you are in the development branch:: (bitmask)$ git checkout develop Symlink your global pyside libraries:: (bitmask)$ pkg/ And make your working tree available to your pythonpath:: (bitmask)$ python2 develop Run Bitmask:: (bitmask)$ bitmask --debug If you are testing a new provider that doesn't have the proper certificates yet, you can use --danger flag, but **DO NOT use it on a regular basis**. **WARNING**: If you use the --danger flag you may be victim to a MITM_ attack without noticing. Use at your own risk. .. _MITM: Testing ======= Have a look at ``pkg/test-requirements.pip`` for the tests dependencies. To run the test suite:: $ ./ which the first time should automagically install all the needed dependencies in your virtualenv for you. License ======= .. image:: Bitmask is released under the terms of the `GNU GPL version 3`_ or later. .. _`GNU GPL version 3`: