DIST=dist/bitmask HEADLESS_DIST=dist/bitmask-nox NEXT_VERSION = $(shell cat pkg/next-version) DIST_VERSION = dist/bitmask-$(NEXT_VERSION)/ HEADLESS_DIST_VERSION = dist/bitmask-nox-$(NEXT_VERSION)/ BITMASK_ROOT = src/leap/bitmask/vpn/helpers/linux/bitmask-root POLKIT_POLICY = src/leap/bitmask/vpn/helpers/linux/se.leap.bitmask.policy SUDO = /usr/bin/sudo include pkg/bundles/build.mk include pkg/thirdparty/openvpn/build.mk dev-bootstrap: pkg/tools/bitmask-bootstrap.sh dev-mail: pip install -U -e '.[mail]' dev-gui: install_pixelated pip install -U -e '.[gui]' dev-backend: pip install -U -e '.[backend]' dev-all: install_pixelated pip install -I --install-option="--bundled" pysqlcipher pip install -U -e '.[all]' dev-latest-leap: pip install -U -e 'git+https://0xacab.org/leap/leap_pycommon@master#egg=leap.common' pip install -U -e 'git+https://0xacab.org/leap/soledad@master#egg=leap.soledad' dev-latest-backend: dev-backend dev-latest-leap dev-latest-all: dev-all dev-latest-leap upgrade-all: python pkg/tools/upgrade_all.py uninstall: pip uninstall leap.bitmask test: tox test_e2e_mail: install_helpers tests/e2e/e2e-test-mail.sh test_e2e_vpn: install_helpers tests/e2e/e2e-test-vpn.sh test_e2e_conditional_downloads: install_helpers tests/e2e/conditional_downloads.py test_functional_setup: pip install -U behave selenium test_functional: install_helpers test -f /usr/bin/lxpolkit && lxpolkit & xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0 1280x1024x24" behave --tags ~@wip --tags @smoke tests/functional/features -k --no-capture -D host=localhost test_functional_graphical: behave --tags ~@wip --tags @smoke tests/functional/features -k --no-capture -D host=localhost test_functional_graphical_wip: behave --tags @wip tests/functional/features -k --no-capture -D host=localhost install_helpers: # if there's no sudo, assumming this is running as root by the CI test -f $(SUDO) && sudo cp $(BITMASK_ROOT) /usr/local/sbin/ || cp $(BITMASK_ROOT) /usr/local/sbin/ test -f $(SUDO) && sudo cp $(POLKIT_POLICY) /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/se.bitmask.bundle.policy || cp $(POLKIT_POLICY) /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/se.bitmask.bundle.policy install_pixelated: pip install leap.pixelated leap.pixelated-www qt-resources: pyrcc5 pkg/branding/icons.qrc -o src/leap/bitmask/gui/app_rc.py doc: cd docs && make html bundle_in_virtualenv: pkg/build_bundle_with_venv.sh bundle_in_virtualenv_osx: pkg/build_osx_bundle_with_venv.sh package_in_docker: # needs docker_ce and gitlab-runner from upstream gitlab-runner exec docker package:amd64_stretch bundler_image: cd pkg/docker_bundle && docker build -t local_bundler . bundle_in_docker: # needs a docker container called 'mybundle', created with 'make docker_container' rm -rf $(DIST_VERSION) bitmaskbuild cat pkg/docker_build | docker run -i -v ~/leap/bitmask-dev:/dist -w /dist -u `id -u` -e REPO="$(REPO)" -e BRANCH="$(BRANCH)" local_bundler bash mkdir -p dist/ cp -r bitmaskbuild/$(DIST_VERSION) dist/ rm -rf bitmaskbuild upload: python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel --universal upload --sign -i kali@leap.se -r pypi clean: find . -type f -name "*.py[co]" -delete find . -type d -name "__pycache__" -delete