path: root/src/leap/bitmask/mail/imap/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/leap/bitmask/mail/imap/tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1060 deletions
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-Test case for
-TestCases taken from twisted tests and modified to make them work
-against our implementation of the IMAPAccount.
-@authors: Kali Kaneko, <>
-XXX add authors from the original twisted tests.
-@license: GPLv3, see included LICENSE file
-# XXX review license of the original tests!!!
-import os
-import string
-import types
-from twisted.mail import imap4
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.python import util
-from twisted.python import failure
-from twisted import cred
-from leap.mail.imap.mailbox import IMAPMailbox
-from leap.mail.imap.messages import CaseInsensitiveDict
-from leap.mail.testing.imap import IMAP4HelperMixin
-TEST_PASSWD = "1234"
-def strip(f):
- return lambda result, f=f: f()
-def sortNest(l):
- l = l[:]
- l.sort()
- for i in range(len(l)):
- if isinstance(l[i], types.ListType):
- l[i] = sortNest(l[i])
- elif isinstance(l[i], types.TupleType):
- l[i] = tuple(sortNest(list(l[i])))
- return l
-class TestRealm:
- """
- A minimal auth realm for testing purposes only
- """
- theAccount = None
- def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
- return imap4.IAccount, self.theAccount, lambda: None
-# TestCases
-# DEBUG ---
-# from twisted.internet.base import DelayedCall
-# DelayedCall.debug = True
-class LEAPIMAP4ServerTestCase(IMAP4HelperMixin):
- """
- Tests for the generic behavior of the LEAPIMAP4Server
- which, right now, it's just implemented in this test file as
- LEAPIMAPServer. We will move the implementation, together with
- authentication bits, to leap.mail.imap.server so it can be instantiated
- from the tac file.
- Right now this TestCase tries to mimmick as close as possible the
- organization from the twisted.mail.imap tests so we can achieve
- a complete implementation. The order in which they appear reflect
- the intended order of implementation.
- """
- #
- # mailboxes operations
- #
- def testCreate(self):
- """
- Test whether we can create mailboxes
- """
- succeed = ('testbox', 'test/box', 'test/', 'test/box/box', 'foobox')
- fail = ('testbox', 'test/box')
- acc = self.server.theAccount
- def cb():
- self.result.append(1)
- def eb(failure):
- self.result.append(0)
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def create():
- create_deferreds = []
- for name in succeed + fail:
- d = self.client.create(name)
- d.addCallback(strip(cb)).addErrback(eb)
- create_deferreds.append(d)
- dd = defer.gatherResults(create_deferreds)
- dd.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- return dd
- self.result = []
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallback(strip(create))
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2], consumeErrors=True)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: acc.account.list_all_mailbox_names())
- return d.addCallback(self._cbTestCreate, succeed, fail)
- def _cbTestCreate(self, mailboxes, succeed, fail):
- self.assertEqual(self.result, [1] * len(succeed) + [0] * len(fail))
- answers = ([u'INBOX', u'testbox', u'test/box', u'test',
- u'test/box/box', 'foobox'])
- self.assertEqual(sorted(mailboxes), sorted([a for a in answers]))
- def testDelete(self):
- """
- Test whether we can delete mailboxes
- """
- def add_mailbox():
- return self.server.theAccount.addMailbox('test-delete/me')
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def delete():
- return self.client.delete('test-delete/me')
- acc = self.server.theAccount.account
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(add_mailbox)
- d1.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(delete), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- d.addCallback(lambda _: acc.list_all_mailbox_names())
- d.addCallback(lambda mboxes: self.assertEqual(
- mboxes, ['INBOX']))
- return d
- def testIllegalInboxDelete(self):
- """
- Test what happens if we try to delete the user Inbox.
- We expect that operation to fail.
- """
- self.stashed = None
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def delete():
- return self.client.delete('inbox')
- def stash(result):
- self.stashed = result
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(delete), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addBoth(stash)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.failUnless(isinstance(self.stashed,
- failure.Failure)))
- return d
- def testNonExistentDelete(self):
- """
- Test what happens if we try to delete a non-existent mailbox.
- We expect an error raised stating 'No such mailbox'
- """
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def delete():
- return self.client.delete('delete/me')
- self.failure = failure
- def deleteFailed(failure):
- self.failure = failure
- self.failure = None
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallback(strip(delete)).addErrback(deleteFailed)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertTrue(
- str(self.failure.value).startswith('No such mailbox')))
- return d
- def testIllegalDelete(self):
- """
- Try deleting a mailbox with sub-folders, and \NoSelect flag set.
- An exception is expected.
- """
- acc = self.server.theAccount
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def create_mailboxes():
- d1 = acc.addMailbox('delete')
- d2 = acc.addMailbox('delete/me')
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- return d
- def get_noselect_mailbox(mboxes):
- mbox = mboxes[0]
- return mbox.setFlags((r'\Noselect',))
- def delete_mbox(ignored):
- return self.client.delete('delete')
- def deleteFailed(failure):
- self.failure = failure
- self.failure = None
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallback(strip(create_mailboxes))
- d1.addCallback(get_noselect_mailbox)
- d1.addCallback(delete_mbox).addErrback(deleteFailed)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- expected = ("Hierarchically inferior mailboxes exist "
- "and \\Noselect is set")
- d.addCallback(lambda _:
- self.assertTrue(self.failure is not None))
- d.addCallback(lambda _:
- self.assertEqual(str(self.failure.value), expected))
- return d
- # FIXME --- this test sometimes FAILS (timing issue).
- # Some of the deferreds used in the rename op is not waiting for the
- # operations properly
- def testRename(self):
- """
- Test whether we can rename a mailbox
- """
- def create_mbox():
- return self.server.theAccount.addMailbox('oldmbox')
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def rename():
- return self.client.rename('oldmbox', 'newname')
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(create_mbox))
- d1.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(rename), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- d.addCallback(lambda _:
- self.server.theAccount.account.list_all_mailbox_names())
- d.addCallback(lambda mboxes:
- self.assertItemsEqual(mboxes, ['INBOX', 'newname']))
- return d
- def testIllegalInboxRename(self):
- """
- Try to rename inbox. We expect it to fail. Then it would be not
- an inbox anymore, would it?
- """
- self.stashed = None
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def rename():
- return self.client.rename('inbox', 'frotz')
- def stash(stuff):
- self.stashed = stuff
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(rename), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addBoth(stash)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- d.addCallback(lambda _:
- self.failUnless(isinstance(
- self.stashed, failure.Failure)))
- return d
- def testHierarchicalRename(self):
- """
- Try to rename hierarchical mailboxes
- """
- acc = self.server.theAccount
- def add_mailboxes():
- return defer.gatherResults([
- acc.addMailbox('oldmbox/m1'),
- acc.addMailbox('oldmbox/m2')])
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def rename():
- return self.client.rename('oldmbox', 'newname')
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(add_mailboxes))
- d1.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(rename), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- d.addCallback(lambda _: acc.account.list_all_mailbox_names())
- return d.addCallback(self._cbTestHierarchicalRename)
- def _cbTestHierarchicalRename(self, mailboxes):
- expected = ['INBOX', 'newname/m1', 'newname/m2']
- self.assertEqual(sorted(mailboxes), sorted([s for s in expected]))
- def testSubscribe(self):
- """
- Test whether we can mark a mailbox as subscribed to
- """
- acc = self.server.theAccount
- def add_mailbox():
- return acc.addMailbox('this/mbox')
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def subscribe():
- return self.client.subscribe('this/mbox')
- def get_subscriptions(ignored):
- return self.server.theAccount.getSubscriptions()
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(add_mailbox))
- d1.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(subscribe), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- d.addCallback(get_subscriptions)
- d.addCallback(lambda subscriptions:
- self.assertEqual(subscriptions,
- ['this/mbox']))
- return d
- def testUnsubscribe(self):
- """
- Test whether we can unsubscribe from a set of mailboxes
- """
- acc = self.server.theAccount
- def add_mailboxes():
- return defer.gatherResults([
- acc.addMailbox('this/mbox'),
- acc.addMailbox('that/mbox')])
- def dc1():
- return acc.subscribe('this/mbox')
- def dc2():
- return acc.subscribe('that/mbox')
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def unsubscribe():
- return self.client.unsubscribe('this/mbox')
- def get_subscriptions(ignored):
- return acc.getSubscriptions()
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(add_mailboxes))
- d1.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallback(strip(dc1))
- d1.addCallback(strip(dc2))
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(unsubscribe), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- d.addCallback(get_subscriptions)
- d.addCallback(lambda subscriptions:
- self.assertEqual(subscriptions,
- ['that/mbox']))
- return d
- def testSelect(self):
- """
- Try to select a mailbox
- """
- self.selectedArgs = None
- acc = self.server.theAccount
- def add_mailbox():
- return acc.addMailbox(mbox_name, creation_ts=42)
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def select():
- def selected(args):
- self.selectedArgs = args
- self._cbStopClient(None)
- d =
- d.addCallback(selected)
- return d
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(add_mailbox))
- d1.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallback(strip(select))
- # d1.addErrback(self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- d.addCallback(self._cbTestSelect)
- return d
- def _cbTestSelect(self, ignored):
- self.assertTrue(self.selectedArgs is not None)
- self.assertEqual(self.selectedArgs, {
- 'EXISTS': 0, 'RECENT': 0, 'UIDVALIDITY': 42,
- 'FLAGS': ('\\Seen', '\\Answered', '\\Flagged',
- '\\Deleted', '\\Draft', '\\Recent', 'List'),
- 'READ-WRITE': True
- })
- #
- # capabilities
- #
- def testCapability(self):
- caps = {}
- def getCaps():
- def gotCaps(c):
- caps.update(c)
- self.server.transport.loseConnection()
- return self.client.getCapabilities().addCallback(gotCaps)
- d1 = self.connected
- d1.addCallback(
- strip(getCaps)).addErrback(self._ebGeneral)
- d = defer.gatherResults([self.loopback(), d1])
- expected = {'IMAP4rev1': None, 'NAMESPACE': None, 'LITERAL+': None,
- 'IDLE': None}
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertEqual(expected, caps))
- return d
- def testCapabilityWithAuth(self):
- caps = {}
- self.server.challengers[
- 'CRAM-MD5'] = cred.credentials.CramMD5Credentials
- def getCaps():
- def gotCaps(c):
- caps.update(c)
- self.server.transport.loseConnection()
- return self.client.getCapabilities().addCallback(gotCaps)
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(
- strip(getCaps)).addErrback(self._ebGeneral)
- d = defer.gatherResults([self.loopback(), d1])
- expCap = {'IMAP4rev1': None, 'NAMESPACE': None,
- 'IDLE': None, 'LITERAL+': None,
- 'AUTH': ['CRAM-MD5']}
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertEqual(expCap, caps))
- return d
- #
- # authentication
- #
- def testLogout(self):
- """
- Test log out
- """
- self.loggedOut = 0
- def logout():
- def setLoggedOut():
- self.loggedOut = 1
- self.client.logout().addCallback(strip(setLoggedOut))
- self.connected.addCallback(strip(logout)).addErrback(self._ebGeneral)
- d = self.loopback()
- return d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertEqual(self.loggedOut, 1))
- def testNoop(self):
- """
- Test noop command
- """
- self.responses = None
- def noop():
- def setResponses(responses):
- self.responses = responses
- self.server.transport.loseConnection()
- self.client.noop().addCallback(setResponses)
- self.connected.addCallback(strip(noop)).addErrback(self._ebGeneral)
- d = self.loopback()
- return d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertEqual(self.responses, []))
- def testLogin(self):
- """
- Test login
- """
- def login():
- d = self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- d.addCallback(self._cbStopClient)
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(
- strip(login)).addErrback(self._ebGeneral)
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, self.loopback()])
- return d.addCallback(self._cbTestLogin)
- def _cbTestLogin(self, ignored):
- self.assertEqual(self.server.state, 'auth')
- def testFailedLogin(self):
- """
- Test bad login
- """
- def login():
- d = self.client.login("", TEST_PASSWD)
- d.addBoth(self._cbStopClient)
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(
- strip(login)).addErrback(self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- return d.addCallback(self._cbTestFailedLogin)
- def _cbTestFailedLogin(self, ignored):
- self.assertEqual(self.server.state, 'unauth')
- self.assertEqual(self.server.account, None)
- def testLoginRequiringQuoting(self):
- """
- Test login requiring quoting
- """
- self.server.checker.userid = '{test}'
- self.server.checker.password = '{test}password'
- def login():
- d = self.client.login('{test}', '{test}password')
- d.addBoth(self._cbStopClient)
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(
- strip(login)).addErrback(self._ebGeneral)
- d = defer.gatherResults([self.loopback(), d1])
- return d.addCallback(self._cbTestLoginRequiringQuoting)
- def _cbTestLoginRequiringQuoting(self, ignored):
- self.assertEqual(self.server.state, 'auth')
- #
- # Inspection
- #
- def testNamespace(self):
- """
- Test retrieving namespace
- """
- self.namespaceArgs = None
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def namespace():
- def gotNamespace(args):
- self.namespaceArgs = args
- self._cbStopClient(None)
- return self.client.namespace().addCallback(gotNamespace)
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallback(strip(namespace))
- d1.addErrback(self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertEqual(self.namespaceArgs,
- [[['', '/']], [], []]))
- return d
- def testExamine(self):
- """
- L{IMAP4Client.examine} issues an I{EXAMINE} command to the server and
- returns a L{Deferred} which fires with a C{dict} with as many of the
- following keys as the server includes in its response: C{'FLAGS'},
- Unfortunately the server doesn't generate all of these so it's hard to
- test the client's handling of them here. See
- L{IMAP4ClientExamineTests} below.
- See U{RFC 3501<>}, section 6.3.2,
- for details.
- """
- # TODO implement the IMAP4ClientExamineTests testcase.
- mbox_name = "test_mailbox_e"
- acc = self.server.theAccount
- self.examinedArgs = None
- def add_mailbox():
- return acc.addMailbox(mbox_name, creation_ts=42)
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def examine():
- def examined(args):
- self.examinedArgs = args
- self._cbStopClient(None)
- d = self.client.examine(mbox_name)
- d.addCallback(examined)
- return d
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(add_mailbox))
- d1.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallback(strip(examine))
- d1.addErrback(self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- return d.addCallback(self._cbTestExamine)
- def _cbTestExamine(self, ignored):
- self.assertEqual(self.examinedArgs, {
- 'EXISTS': 0, 'RECENT': 0, 'UIDVALIDITY': 42,
- 'FLAGS': ('\\Seen', '\\Answered', '\\Flagged',
- '\\Deleted', '\\Draft', '\\Recent', 'List'),
- 'READ-WRITE': False})
- def _listSetup(self, f, f2=None):
- acc = self.server.theAccount
- def dc1():
- return acc.addMailbox('root_subthing', creation_ts=42)
- def dc2():
- return acc.addMailbox('root_another_thing', creation_ts=42)
- def dc3():
- return acc.addMailbox('non_root_subthing', creation_ts=42)
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def listed(answers):
- self.listed = answers
- self.listed = None
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallback(strip(dc1))
- d1.addCallback(strip(dc2))
- d1.addCallback(strip(dc3))
- if f2 is not None:
- d1.addCallback(f2)
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(f), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(listed, self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- return defer.gatherResults([d1, d2]).addCallback(lambda _: self.listed)
- def testList(self):
- """
- Test List command
- """
- def list():
- return self.client.list('root', '%')
- d = self._listSetup(list)
- d.addCallback(lambda listed: self.assertEqual(
- sortNest(listed),
- sortNest([
- (IMAPMailbox.init_flags, "/", "root_subthing"),
- (IMAPMailbox.init_flags, "/", "root_another_thing")
- ])
- ))
- return d
- def testLSub(self):
- """
- Test LSub command
- """
- acc = self.server.theAccount
- def subs_mailbox():
- # why not client.subscribe instead?
- return acc.subscribe('root_subthing')
- def lsub():
- return self.client.lsub('root', '%')
- d = self._listSetup(lsub, strip(subs_mailbox))
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual,
- [(IMAPMailbox.init_flags, "/", "root_subthing")])
- return d
- def testStatus(self):
- """
- Test Status command
- """
- acc = self.server.theAccount
- def add_mailbox():
- return acc.addMailbox('root_subthings')
- # XXX FIXME ---- should populate this a little bit,
- # with unseen etc...
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def status():
- return self.client.status(
- 'root_subthings', 'MESSAGES', 'UIDNEXT', 'UNSEEN')
- def statused(result):
- self.statused = result
- self.statused = None
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(add_mailbox))
- d1.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(status), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(statused, self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertEqual(
- self.statused,
- {'MESSAGES': 0, 'UIDNEXT': '1', 'UNSEEN': 0}
- ))
- return d
- def testFailedStatus(self):
- """
- Test failed status command with a non-existent mailbox
- """
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def status():
- return self.client.status(
- 'root/nonexistent', 'MESSAGES', 'UIDNEXT', 'UNSEEN')
- def statused(result):
- self.statused = result
- def failed(failure):
- self.failure = failure
- self.statused = self.failure = None
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(status), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(statused, failed)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- return defer.gatherResults([d1, d2]).addCallback(
- self._cbTestFailedStatus)
- def _cbTestFailedStatus(self, ignored):
- self.assertEqual(
- self.statused, None
- )
- self.assertEqual(
- self.failure.value.args,
- ('Could not open mailbox',)
- )
- #
- # messages
- #
- def testFullAppend(self):
- """
- Test appending a full message to the mailbox
- """
- infile = util.sibpath(__file__, 'rfc822.message')
- message = open(infile)
- acc = self.server.theAccount
- mailbox_name = "appendmbox/subthing"
- def add_mailbox():
- return acc.addMailbox(mailbox_name)
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def append():
- return self.client.append(
- mailbox_name, message,
- ('\\SEEN', '\\DELETED'),
- 'Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:22:16 -0600 (MDT)',
- )
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(add_mailbox))
- d1.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(append), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- d.addCallback(lambda _: acc.getMailbox(mailbox_name))
- d.addCallback(lambda mb: mb.fetch(imap4.MessageSet(start=1), True))
- return d.addCallback(self._cbTestFullAppend, infile)
- def _cbTestFullAppend(self, fetched, infile):
- fetched = list(fetched)
- self.assertTrue(len(fetched) == 1)
- self.assertTrue(len(fetched[0]) == 2)
- uid, msg = fetched[0]
- parsed = self.parser.parse(open(infile))
- expected_body = parsed.get_payload()
- expected_headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(parsed.items())
- def assert_flags(flags):
- self.assertEqual(
- set(('\\SEEN', '\\DELETED')),
- set(flags))
- def assert_date(date):
- self.assertEqual(
- 'Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:22:16 -0600 (MDT)',
- date)
- def assert_body(body):
- gotbody =
- self.assertEqual(expected_body, gotbody)
- def assert_headers(headers):
- self.assertItemsEqual(map(string.lower, expected_headers), headers)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(msg.getFlags)
- d.addCallback(assert_flags)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: defer.maybeDeferred(msg.getInternalDate))
- d.addCallback(assert_date)
- d.addCallback(
- lambda _: defer.maybeDeferred(
- msg.getBodyFile, self._soledad))
- d.addCallback(assert_body)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: defer.maybeDeferred(msg.getHeaders, True))
- d.addCallback(assert_headers)
- return d
- def testPartialAppend(self):
- """
- Test partially appending a message to the mailbox
- """
- # TODO this test sometimes will fail because of the notify_just_mdoc
- infile = util.sibpath(__file__, 'rfc822.message')
- acc = self.server.theAccount
- def add_mailbox():
- return acc.addMailbox('PARTIAL/SUBTHING')
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def append():
- message = file(infile)
- return self.client.sendCommand(
- imap4.Command(
- 'PARTIAL/SUBTHING (\\SEEN) "Right now" '
- '{%d}' % os.path.getsize(infile),
- (), self.client._IMAP4Client__cbContinueAppend, message
- )
- )
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(add_mailbox))
- d1.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(append), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- d.addCallback(lambda _: acc.getMailbox("PARTIAL/SUBTHING"))
- d.addCallback(lambda mb: mb.fetch(imap4.MessageSet(start=1), True))
- return d.addCallback(
- self._cbTestPartialAppend, infile)
- def _cbTestPartialAppend(self, fetched, infile):
- fetched = list(fetched)
- self.assertTrue(len(fetched) == 1)
- self.assertTrue(len(fetched[0]) == 2)
- uid, msg = fetched[0]
- parsed = self.parser.parse(open(infile))
- expected_body = parsed.get_payload()
- def assert_flags(flags):
- self.assertEqual(
- set((['\\SEEN'])), set(flags))
- def assert_body(body):
- gotbody =
- self.assertEqual(expected_body, gotbody)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(msg.getFlags)
- d.addCallback(assert_flags)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: defer.maybeDeferred(msg.getBodyFile))
- d.addCallback(assert_body)
- return d
- def testCheck(self):
- """
- Test check command
- """
- def add_mailbox():
- return self.server.theAccount.addMailbox('root/subthing')
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def select():
- return'root/subthing')
- def check():
- return self.client.check()
- d = self.connected.addCallbacks(
- strip(add_mailbox), self._ebGeneral)
- d.addCallbacks(lambda _: login(), self._ebGeneral)
- d.addCallbacks(strip(select), self._ebGeneral)
- d.addCallbacks(strip(check), self._ebGeneral)
- d.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- return defer.gatherResults([d, d2])
- # Okay, that was much fun indeed
- def testExpunge(self):
- """
- Test expunge command
- """
- acc = self.server.theAccount
- mailbox_name = 'mailboxexpunge'
- def add_mailbox():
- return acc.addMailbox(mailbox_name)
- def login():
- return self.client.login(TEST_USER, TEST_PASSWD)
- def select():
- return
- def save_mailbox(mailbox):
- self.mailbox = mailbox
- def get_mailbox():
- d = acc.getMailbox(mailbox_name)
- d.addCallback(save_mailbox)
- return d
- def add_messages():
- d = self.mailbox.addMessage(
- 'test 1', flags=('\\Deleted', 'AnotherFlag'),
- notify_just_mdoc=False)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.mailbox.addMessage(
- 'test 2', flags=('AnotherFlag',),
- notify_just_mdoc=False))
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.mailbox.addMessage(
- 'test 3', flags=('\\Deleted',),
- notify_just_mdoc=False))
- return d
- def expunge():
- return self.client.expunge()
- def expunged(results):
- self.failIf(self.server.mbox is None)
- self.results = results
- self.results = None
- d1 = self.connected.addCallback(strip(add_mailbox))
- d1.addCallback(strip(login))
- d1.addCallback(strip(get_mailbox))
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(add_messages), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(select), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(strip(expunge), self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(expunged, self._ebGeneral)
- d1.addCallbacks(self._cbStopClient, self._ebGeneral)
- d2 = self.loopback()
- d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.mailbox.getMessageCount())
- return d.addCallback(self._cbTestExpunge)
- def _cbTestExpunge(self, count):
- # we only left 1 mssage with no deleted flag
- self.assertEqual(count, 1)
- # the uids of the deleted messages
- self.assertItemsEqual(self.results, [1, 3])
-class AccountTestCase(IMAP4HelperMixin):
- """
- Test the Account.
- """
- def _create_empty_mailbox(self):
- return self.server.theAccount.addMailbox('')
- def _create_one_mailbox(self):
- return self.server.theAccount.addMailbox('one')
- def test_illegalMailboxCreate(self):
- self.assertRaises(AssertionError, self._create_empty_mailbox)
-class IMAP4ServerSearchTestCase(IMAP4HelperMixin):
- """
- Tests for the behavior of the search_* functions in L{imap5.IMAP4Server}.
- """
- # XXX coming soon to your screens!
- pass