path: root/mail/src/leap/mail/
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Diffstat (limited to 'mail/src/leap/mail/')
1 files changed, 384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mail/src/leap/mail/ b/mail/src/leap/mail/
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+++ b/mail/src/leap/mail/
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import re
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from email.parser import Parser
+from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
+from OpenSSL import SSL
+from twisted.mail import smtp
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
+from twisted.protocols.amp import ssl
+from twisted.python import log
+from leap.common.check import leap_assert_type, leap_assert
+from import proto, signal
+from leap.keymanager import KeyManager
+from leap.keymanager.openpgp import OpenPGPKey
+from leap.keymanager.errors import KeyNotFound
+from leap.mail import __version__
+from leap.mail.utils import validate_address
+from leap.mail.smtp.rfc3156 import MultipartEncrypted
+from leap.mail.smtp.rfc3156 import MultipartSigned
+from leap.mail.smtp.rfc3156 import encode_base64_rec
+from leap.mail.smtp.rfc3156 import RFC3156CompliantGenerator
+from leap.mail.smtp.rfc3156 import PGPSignature
+from leap.mail.smtp.rfc3156 import PGPEncrypted
+class SSLContextFactory(ssl.ClientContextFactory):
+ def __init__(self, cert, key):
+ self.cert = cert
+ self.key = key
+ def getContext(self):
+ self.method = SSL.TLSv1_METHOD # SSLv23_METHOD
+ ctx = ssl.ClientContextFactory.getContext(self)
+ ctx.use_certificate_file(self.cert)
+ ctx.use_privatekey_file(self.key)
+ return ctx
+class OutgoingMail:
+ """
+ A service for handling encrypted mail.
+ """
+ FOOTER_STRING = "I prefer encrypted email"
+ def __init__(self, from_address, keymanager, cert, key, host, port):
+ """
+ Initialize the mail service.
+ :param from_address: The sender address.
+ :type from_address: str
+ :param keymanager: A KeyManager for retrieving recipient's keys.
+ :type keymanager: leap.common.keymanager.KeyManager
+ :param cert: The client certificate for SSL authentication.
+ :type cert: str
+ :param key: The client private key for SSL authentication.
+ :type key: str
+ :param host: The hostname of the remote SMTP server.
+ :type host: str
+ :param port: The port of the remote SMTP server.
+ :type port: int
+ """
+ # XXX: should we keep these checks?
+ # assert params
+ leap_assert_type(keymanager, KeyManager)
+ leap_assert_type(host, str)
+ leap_assert(host != '')
+ leap_assert_type(port, int)
+ leap_assert(port is not 0)
+ leap_assert_type(cert, unicode)
+ leap_assert(cert != '')
+ leap_assert_type(key, unicode)
+ leap_assert(key != '')
+ self._port = port
+ self._host = host
+ self._key = key
+ self._cert = cert
+ self._from_address = from_address
+ self._keymanager = keymanager
+ def send_message(self, raw, recipient):
+ """
+ Sends a message to a recipient. Maybe encrypts and signs.
+ :param raw: The raw message
+ :type raw: str
+ :param recipient: The recipient for the message
+ :type recipient: smtp.User
+ :return: a deferred which delivers the message when fired
+ """
+ d = deferToThread(lambda: self._maybe_encrypt_and_sign(raw, recipient))
+ d.addCallback(self._route_msg)
+ d.addErrback(self.sendError)
+ return d
+ def sendSuccess(self, smtp_sender_result):
+ """
+ Callback for a successful send.
+ :param smtp_sender_result: The result from the ESMTPSender from _route_msg
+ :type smtp_sender_result: tuple(int, list(tuple))
+ """
+ dest_addrstr = smtp_sender_result[1][0][0]
+ log.msg('Message sent to %s' % dest_addrstr)
+ signal(proto.SMTP_SEND_MESSAGE_SUCCESS, dest_addrstr)
+ def sendError(self, failure):
+ """
+ Callback for an unsuccessfull send.
+ :param e: The result from the last errback.
+ :type e: anything
+ """
+ # XXX: need to get the address from the exception to send signal
+ # signal(proto.SMTP_SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR, self._user.dest.addrstr)
+ err = failure.value
+ log.err(err)
+ raise err
+ def _route_msg(self, encrypt_and_sign_result):
+ """
+ Sends the msg using the ESMTPSenderFactory.
+ :param encrypt_and_sign_result: A tuple containing the 'maybe' encrypted message and the recipient
+ :type encrypt_and_sign_result: tuple
+ """
+ message, recipient = encrypt_and_sign_result
+ log.msg("Connecting to SMTP server %s:%s" % (self._host, self._port))
+ msg = message.as_string(False)
+ # we construct a defer to pass to the ESMTPSenderFactory
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ d.addCallbacks(self.sendSuccess, self.sendError)
+ # we don't pass an ssl context factory to the ESMTPSenderFactory
+ # because ssl will be handled by reactor.connectSSL() below.
+ factory = smtp.ESMTPSenderFactory(
+ "", # username is blank because client auth is done on SSL protocol level
+ "", # password is blank because client auth is done on SSL protocol level
+ self._from_address,
+ recipient.dest.addrstr,
+ StringIO(msg),
+ d,
+ heloFallback=True,
+ requireAuthentication=False,
+ requireTransportSecurity=True)
+ factory.domain = __version__
+ signal(proto.SMTP_SEND_MESSAGE_START, recipient.dest.addrstr)
+ reactor.connectSSL(
+ self._host, self._port, factory,
+ contextFactory=SSLContextFactory(self._cert, self._key))
+ def _maybe_encrypt_and_sign(self, raw, recipient):
+ """
+ Attempt to encrypt and sign the outgoing message.
+ The behaviour of this method depends on:
+ 1. the original message's content-type, and
+ 2. the availability of the recipient's public key.
+ If the original message's content-type is "multipart/encrypted", then
+ the original message is not altered. For any other content-type, the
+ method attempts to fetch the recipient's public key. If the
+ recipient's public key is available, the message is encrypted and
+ signed; otherwise it is only signed.
+ Note that, if the C{encrypted_only} configuration is set to True and
+ the recipient's public key is not available, then the recipient
+ address would have been rejected in SMTPDelivery.validateTo().
+ The following table summarizes the overall behaviour of the gateway:
+ +---------------------------------------------------+----------------+
+ | content-type | rcpt pubkey | enforce encr. | action |
+ +---------------------+-------------+---------------+----------------+
+ | multipart/encrypted | any | any | pass |
+ | other | available | any | encrypt + sign |
+ | other | unavailable | yes | reject |
+ | other | unavailable | no | sign |
+ +---------------------+-------------+---------------+----------------+
+ :param raw: The raw message
+ :type raw: str
+ :param recipient: The recipient for the message
+ :type: recipient: smtp.User
+ """
+ # pass if the original message's content-type is "multipart/encrypted"
+ lines = raw.split('\r\n')
+ origmsg = Parser().parsestr(raw)
+ if origmsg.get_content_type() == 'multipart/encrypted':
+ return origmsg
+ from_address = validate_address(self._from_address)
+ username, domain = from_address.split('@')
+ # add a nice footer to the outgoing message
+ # XXX: footer will eventually optional or be removed
+ if origmsg.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
+ lines.append('--')
+ lines.append('%s - https://%s/key/%s' %
+ (self.FOOTER_STRING, domain, username))
+ lines.append('')
+ origmsg = Parser().parsestr('\r\n'.join(lines))
+ # get sender and recipient data
+ signkey = self._keymanager.get_key(from_address, OpenPGPKey, private=True)
+ log.msg("Will sign the message with %s." % signkey.fingerprint)
+ to_address = validate_address(recipient.dest.addrstr)
+ try:
+ # try to get the recipient pubkey
+ pubkey = self._keymanager.get_key(to_address, OpenPGPKey)
+ log.msg("Will encrypt the message to %s." % pubkey.fingerprint)
+ "%s,%s" % (self._from_address, to_address))
+ newmsg = self._encrypt_and_sign(origmsg, pubkey, signkey)
+ "%s,%s" % (self._from_address, to_address))
+ except KeyNotFound:
+ # at this point we _can_ send unencrypted mail, because if the
+ # configuration said the opposite the address would have been
+ # rejected in SMTPDelivery.validateTo().
+ log.msg('Will send unencrypted message to %s.' % to_address)
+ signal(proto.SMTP_START_SIGN, self._from_address)
+ newmsg = self._sign(origmsg, signkey)
+ signal(proto.SMTP_END_SIGN, self._from_address)
+ return newmsg, recipient
+ def _encrypt_and_sign(self, origmsg, pubkey, signkey):
+ """
+ Create an RFC 3156 compliang PGP encrypted and signed message using
+ C{pubkey} to encrypt and C{signkey} to sign.
+ :param origmsg: The original message
+ :type origmsg: email.message.Message
+ :param pubkey: The public key used to encrypt the message.
+ :type pubkey: OpenPGPKey
+ :param signkey: The private key used to sign the message.
+ :type signkey: OpenPGPKey
+ :return: The encrypted and signed message
+ :rtype: MultipartEncrypted
+ """
+ # create new multipart/encrypted message with 'pgp-encrypted' protocol
+ newmsg = MultipartEncrypted('application/pgp-encrypted')
+ # move (almost) all headers from original message to the new message
+ self._fix_headers(origmsg, newmsg, signkey)
+ # create 'application/octet-stream' encrypted message
+ encmsg = MIMEApplication(
+ self._keymanager.encrypt(origmsg.as_string(unixfrom=False), pubkey,
+ sign=signkey),
+ _subtype='octet-stream', _encoder=lambda x: x)
+ encmsg.add_header('content-disposition', 'attachment',
+ filename='msg.asc')
+ # create meta message
+ metamsg = PGPEncrypted()
+ metamsg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment')
+ # attach pgp message parts to new message
+ newmsg.attach(metamsg)
+ newmsg.attach(encmsg)
+ return newmsg
+ def _sign(self, origmsg, signkey):
+ """
+ Create an RFC 3156 compliant PGP signed MIME message using C{signkey}.
+ :param origmsg: The original message
+ :type origmsg: email.message.Message
+ :param signkey: The private key used to sign the message.
+ :type signkey: leap.common.keymanager.openpgp.OpenPGPKey
+ :return: The signed message.
+ :rtype: MultipartSigned
+ """
+ # create new multipart/signed message
+ newmsg = MultipartSigned('application/pgp-signature', 'pgp-sha512')
+ # move (almost) all headers from original message to the new message
+ self._fix_headers(origmsg, newmsg, signkey)
+ # apply base64 content-transfer-encoding
+ encode_base64_rec(origmsg)
+ # get message text with headers and replace \n for \r\n
+ fp = StringIO()
+ g = RFC3156CompliantGenerator(
+ fp, mangle_from_=False, maxheaderlen=76)
+ g.flatten(origmsg)
+ msgtext = re.sub('\r?\n', '\r\n', fp.getvalue())
+ # make sure signed message ends with \r\n as per OpenPGP stantard.
+ if origmsg.is_multipart():
+ if not msgtext.endswith("\r\n"):
+ msgtext += "\r\n"
+ # calculate signature
+ signature = self._keymanager.sign(msgtext, signkey, digest_algo='SHA512',
+ clearsign=False, detach=True, binary=False)
+ sigmsg = PGPSignature(signature)
+ # attach original message and signature to new message
+ newmsg.attach(origmsg)
+ newmsg.attach(sigmsg)
+ return newmsg
+ def _fix_headers(self, origmsg, newmsg, signkey):
+ """
+ Move some headers from C{origmsg} to C{newmsg}, delete unwanted
+ headers from C{origmsg} and add new headers to C{newms}.
+ Outgoing messages are either encrypted and signed or just signed
+ before being sent. Because of that, they are packed inside new
+ messages and some manipulation has to be made on their headers.
+ Allowed headers for passing through:
+ - From
+ - Date
+ - To
+ - Subject
+ - Reply-To
+ - References
+ - In-Reply-To
+ - Cc
+ Headers to be added:
+ - Message-ID (i.e. should not use origmsg's Message-Id)
+ - Received (this is added automatically by twisted smtp API)
+ - OpenPGP (see #4447)
+ Headers to be deleted:
+ - User-Agent
+ :param origmsg: The original message.
+ :type origmsg: email.message.Message
+ :param newmsg: The new message being created.
+ :type newmsg: email.message.Message
+ :param signkey: The key used to sign C{newmsg}
+ :type signkey: OpenPGPKey
+ """
+ # move headers from origmsg to newmsg
+ headers = origmsg.items()
+ passthrough = [
+ 'from', 'date', 'to', 'subject', 'reply-to', 'references',
+ 'in-reply-to', 'cc'
+ ]
+ headers = filter(lambda x: x[0].lower() in passthrough, headers)
+ for hkey, hval in headers:
+ newmsg.add_header(hkey, hval)
+ del (origmsg[hkey])
+ # add a new message-id to newmsg
+ newmsg.add_header('Message-Id', smtp.messageid())
+ # add openpgp header to newmsg
+ username, domain = signkey.address.split('@')
+ newmsg.add_header(
+ 'OpenPGP', 'id=%s' % signkey.key_id,
+ url='https://%s/key/%s' % (domain, username),
+ preference='signencrypt')
+ # delete user-agent from origmsg
+ del (origmsg['user-agent'])