path: root/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
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1 files changed, 1026 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/ b/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
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+# *- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+Soledad Mailbox.
+import copy
+import threading
+import logging
+import StringIO
+import cStringIO
+import os
+from collections import defaultdict
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.internet.task import deferLater
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.mail import imap4
+from zope.interface import implements
+from leap.common import events as leap_events
+from import IMAP_UNREAD_MAIL
+from leap.common.check import leap_assert, leap_assert_type
+from leap.mail.decorators import deferred_to_thread
+from leap.mail.utils import empty
+from leap.mail.imap.fields import WithMsgFields, fields
+from leap.mail.imap.messages import MessageCollection
+from leap.mail.imap.messageparts import MessageWrapper
+from leap.mail.imap.parser import MBoxParser
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+If the environment variable `LEAP_SKIPNOTIFY` is set, we avoid
+notifying clients of new messages. Use during stress tests.
+NOTIFY_NEW = not os.environ.get('LEAP_SKIPNOTIFY', False)
+PROFILE_CMD = os.environ.get('LEAP_PROFILE_IMAPCMD', False)
+ import time
+ def _debugProfiling(result, cmdname, start):
+ took = (time.time() - start) * 1000
+ log.msg("CMD " + cmdname + " TOOK: " + str(took) + " msec")
+ return result
+ def do_profile_cmd(d, name):
+ """
+ Add the profiling debug to the passed callback.
+ :param d: deferred
+ :param name: name of the command
+ :type name: str
+ """
+ d.addCallback(_debugProfiling, name, time.time())
+ d.addErrback(lambda f: log.msg(f.getTraceback()))
+class SoledadMailbox(WithMsgFields, MBoxParser):
+ """
+ A Soledad-backed IMAP mailbox.
+ Implements the high-level method needed for the Mailbox interfaces.
+ The low-level database methods are contained in MessageCollection class,
+ which we instantiate and make accessible in the `messages` attribute.
+ """
+ implements(
+ imap4.IMailbox,
+ imap4.IMailboxInfo,
+ imap4.ICloseableMailbox,
+ imap4.ISearchableMailbox,
+ imap4.IMessageCopier)
+ # XXX should finish the implementation of IMailboxListener
+ # XXX should completely implement ISearchableMailbox too
+ messages = None
+ _closed = False
+ WithMsgFields.FLAGGED_FLAG, WithMsgFields.DELETED_FLAG,
+ WithMsgFields.DRAFT_FLAG, WithMsgFields.RECENT_FLAG,
+ WithMsgFields.LIST_FLAG)
+ flags = None
+ # FIXME we should turn this into a datastructure with limited capacity
+ _listeners = defaultdict(set)
+ next_uid_lock = threading.Lock()
+ last_uid_lock = threading.Lock()
+ # TODO unify all the `primed` dicts
+ _fdoc_primed = {}
+ _last_uid_primed = {}
+ _known_uids_primed = {}
+ def __init__(self, mbox, soledad, memstore, rw=1):
+ """
+ SoledadMailbox constructor. Needs to get passed a name, plus a
+ Soledad instance.
+ :param mbox: the mailbox name
+ :type mbox: str
+ :param soledad: a Soledad instance.
+ :type soledad: Soledad
+ :param memstore: a MemoryStore instance
+ :type memstore: MemoryStore
+ :param rw: read-and-write flag for this mailbox
+ :type rw: int
+ """
+ leap_assert(mbox, "Need a mailbox name to initialize")
+ leap_assert(soledad, "Need a soledad instance to initialize")
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+ self.reactor = reactor
+ self.mbox = self._parse_mailbox_name(mbox)
+ = rw
+ self._soledad = soledad
+ self._memstore = memstore
+ self.messages = MessageCollection(
+ mbox=mbox, soledad=self._soledad, memstore=self._memstore)
+ self._uidvalidity = None
+ # XXX careful with this get/set (it would be
+ # hitting db unconditionally, move to memstore too)
+ # Now it's returning a fixed amount of flags from mem
+ # as a workaround.
+ if not self.getFlags():
+ self.setFlags(self.INIT_FLAGS)
+ if self._memstore:
+ self.prime_known_uids_to_memstore()
+ self.prime_last_uid_to_memstore()
+ self.prime_flag_docs_to_memstore()
+ # purge memstore from empty fdocs.
+ self._memstore.purge_fdoc_store(mbox)
+ @property
+ def listeners(self):
+ """
+ Returns listeners for this mbox.
+ The server itself is a listener to the mailbox.
+ so we can notify it (and should!) after changes in flags
+ and number of messages.
+ :rtype: set
+ """
+ return self._listeners[self.mbox]
+ # TODO this grows too crazily when many instances are fired, like
+ # during imaptest stress testing. Should have a queue of limited size
+ # instead.
+ def addListener(self, listener):
+ """
+ Add a listener to the listeners queue.
+ The server adds itself as a listener when there is a SELECT,
+ so it can send EXIST commands.
+ :param listener: listener to add
+ :type listener: an object that implements IMailboxListener
+ """
+ if not NOTIFY_NEW:
+ return
+ logger.debug('adding mailbox listener: %s' % listener)
+ self.listeners.add(listener)
+ def removeListener(self, listener):
+ """
+ Remove a listener from the listeners queue.
+ :param listener: listener to remove
+ :type listener: an object that implements IMailboxListener
+ """
+ self.listeners.remove(listener)
+ def _get_mbox_doc(self):
+ """
+ Return mailbox document.
+ :return: A SoledadDocument containing this mailbox, or None if
+ the query failed.
+ :rtype: SoledadDocument or None.
+ """
+ return self._memstore.get_mbox_doc(self.mbox)
+ def getFlags(self):
+ """
+ Returns the flags defined for this mailbox.
+ :returns: tuple of flags for this mailbox
+ :rtype: tuple of str
+ """
+ flags = self.INIT_FLAGS
+ # XXX returning fixed flags always
+ # Since I have not found a case where the client
+ # wants to modify this, as a way of speeding up
+ # selects. To do it right, we probably should keep
+ # track of the set of all flags used by msgs
+ # in this mailbox. Does it matter?
+ #mbox = self._get_mbox_doc()
+ #if not mbox:
+ #return None
+ #flags = mbox.content.get(self.FLAGS_KEY, [])
+ return map(str, flags)
+ # XXX move to memstore->soledadstore
+ def setFlags(self, flags):
+ """
+ Sets flags for this mailbox.
+ :param flags: a tuple with the flags
+ :type flags: tuple of str
+ """
+ leap_assert(isinstance(flags, tuple),
+ "flags expected to be a tuple")
+ mbox = self._get_mbox_doc()
+ if not mbox:
+ return None
+ mbox.content[self.FLAGS_KEY] = map(str, flags)
+ logger.debug("Writing mbox document for %r to Soledad"
+ % (self.mbox,))
+ self._soledad.put_doc(mbox)
+ def _get_closed(self):
+ """
+ Return the closed attribute for this mailbox.
+ :return: True if the mailbox is closed
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._memstore.get_mbox_closed(self.mbox)
+ def _set_closed(self, closed):
+ """
+ Set the closed attribute for this mailbox.
+ :param closed: the state to be set
+ :type closed: bool
+ """
+ self._memstore.set_mbox_closed(self.mbox, closed)
+ closed = property(
+ _get_closed, _set_closed, doc="Closed attribute.")
+ def _get_last_uid(self):
+ """
+ Return the last uid for this mailbox.
+ If we have a memory store, the last UID will be the highest
+ recorded UID in the message store, or a counter cached from
+ the mailbox document in soledad if this is higher.
+ :return: the last uid for messages in this mailbox
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ last = self._memstore.get_last_uid(self.mbox)
+ logger.debug("last uid for %s: %s (from memstore)" % (
+ repr(self.mbox), last))
+ return last
+ last_uid = property(
+ _get_last_uid, doc="Last_UID attribute.")
+ def prime_last_uid_to_memstore(self):
+ """
+ Prime memstore with last_uid value
+ """
+ primed = self._last_uid_primed.get(self.mbox, False)
+ if not primed:
+ mbox = self._get_mbox_doc()
+ last = mbox.content.get('lastuid', 0)
+"Priming Soledad last_uid to %s" % (last,))
+ self._memstore.set_last_soledad_uid(self.mbox, last)
+ self._last_uid_primed[self.mbox] = True
+ def prime_known_uids_to_memstore(self):
+ """
+ Prime memstore with the set of all known uids.
+ We do this to be able to filter the requests efficiently.
+ """
+ primed = self._known_uids_primed.get(self.mbox, False)
+ if not primed:
+ known_uids = self.messages.all_soledad_uid_iter()
+ self._memstore.set_known_uids(self.mbox, known_uids)
+ self._known_uids_primed[self.mbox] = True
+ def prime_flag_docs_to_memstore(self):
+ """
+ Prime memstore with all the flags documents.
+ """
+ primed = self._fdoc_primed.get(self.mbox, False)
+ if not primed:
+ all_flag_docs = self.messages.get_all_soledad_flag_docs()
+ self._memstore.load_flag_docs(self.mbox, all_flag_docs)
+ self._fdoc_primed[self.mbox] = True
+ def getUIDValidity(self):
+ """
+ Return the unique validity identifier for this mailbox.
+ :return: unique validity identifier
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ if self._uidvalidity is None:
+ mbox = self._get_mbox_doc()
+ if mbox is None:
+ return 0
+ self._uidvalidity = mbox.content.get(self.CREATED_KEY, 1)
+ return self._uidvalidity
+ def getUID(self, message):
+ """
+ Return the UID of a message in the mailbox
+ .. note:: this implementation does not make much sense RIGHT NOW,
+ but in the future will be useful to get absolute UIDs from
+ message sequence numbers.
+ :param message: the message uid
+ :type message: int
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ msg = self.messages.get_msg_by_uid(message)
+ if msg is not None:
+ return msg.getUID()
+ def getUIDNext(self):
+ """
+ Return the likely UID for the next message added to this
+ mailbox. Currently it returns the higher UID incremented by
+ one.
+ We increment the next uid *each* time this function gets called.
+ In this way, there will be gaps if the message with the allocated
+ uid cannot be saved. But that is preferable to having race conditions
+ if we get to parallel message adding.
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ with self.next_uid_lock:
+ return self.last_uid + 1
+ def getMessageCount(self):
+ """
+ Returns the total count of messages in this mailbox.
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ return self.messages.count()
+ def getUnseenCount(self):
+ """
+ Returns the number of messages with the 'Unseen' flag.
+ :return: count of messages flagged `unseen`
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ return self.messages.count_unseen()
+ def getRecentCount(self):
+ """
+ Returns the number of messages with the 'Recent' flag.
+ :return: count of messages flagged `recent`
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ return self.messages.count_recent()
+ def isWriteable(self):
+ """
+ Get the read/write status of the mailbox.
+ :return: 1 if mailbox is read-writeable, 0 otherwise.
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ return
+ def getHierarchicalDelimiter(self):
+ """
+ Returns the character used to delimite hierarchies in mailboxes.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return '/'
+ def requestStatus(self, names):
+ """
+ Handles a status request by gathering the output of the different
+ status commands.
+ :param names: a list of strings containing the status commands
+ :type names: iter
+ """
+ r = {}
+ if self.CMD_MSG in names:
+ r[self.CMD_MSG] = self.getMessageCount()
+ if self.CMD_RECENT in names:
+ r[self.CMD_RECENT] = self.getRecentCount()
+ if self.CMD_UIDNEXT in names:
+ r[self.CMD_UIDNEXT] = self.last_uid + 1
+ if self.CMD_UIDVALIDITY in names:
+ r[self.CMD_UIDVALIDITY] = self.getUIDValidity()
+ if self.CMD_UNSEEN in names:
+ r[self.CMD_UNSEEN] = self.getUnseenCount()
+ return defer.succeed(r)
+ def addMessage(self, message, flags, date=None, notify_on_disk=False):
+ """
+ Adds a message to this mailbox.
+ :param message: the raw message
+ :type message: str
+ :param flags: flag list
+ :type flags: list of str
+ :param date: timestamp
+ :type date: str
+ :return: a deferred that evals to None
+ """
+ # TODO have a look at the cases for internal date in the rfc
+ if isinstance(message, (cStringIO.OutputType, StringIO.StringIO)):
+ message = message.getvalue()
+ # XXX we could treat the message as an IMessage from here
+ leap_assert_type(message, basestring)
+ if flags is None:
+ flags = tuple()
+ else:
+ flags = tuple(str(flag) for flag in flags)
+ d = self._do_add_message(message, flags=flags, date=date,
+ notify_on_disk=notify_on_disk)
+ do_profile_cmd(d, "APPEND")
+ # A better place for this would be the COPY/APPEND dispatcher
+ # in, but qtreactor hangs when I do that, so this seems
+ # to work fine for now.
+ def notifyCallback(x):
+ self.reactor.callLater(0, self.notify_new)
+ return x
+ d.addCallback(notifyCallback)
+ d.addErrback(lambda f: log.msg(f.getTraceback()))
+ return d
+ def _do_add_message(self, message, flags, date, notify_on_disk=False):
+ """
+ Calls to the messageCollection add_msg method.
+ Invoked from addMessage.
+ """
+ d = self.messages.add_msg(message, flags=flags, date=date,
+ notify_on_disk=notify_on_disk)
+ return d
+ def notify_new(self, *args):
+ """
+ Notify of new messages to all the listeners.
+ :param args: ignored.
+ """
+ if not NOTIFY_NEW:
+ return
+ def cbNotifyNew(result):
+ exists, recent = result
+ for l in self.listeners:
+ l.newMessages(exists, recent)
+ d = self._get_notify_count()
+ d.addCallback(cbNotifyNew)
+ d.addCallback(self.cb_signal_unread_to_ui)
+ @deferred_to_thread
+ def _get_notify_count(self):
+ """
+ Get message count and recent count for this mailbox
+ Executed in a separate thread. Called from notify_new.
+ :return: number of messages and number of recent messages.
+ :rtype: tuple
+ """
+ exists = self.getMessageCount()
+ recent = self.getRecentCount()
+ logger.debug("NOTIFY (%r): there are %s messages, %s recent" % (
+ self.mbox, exists, recent))
+ return exists, recent
+ # commands, do not rename methods
+ def destroy(self):
+ """
+ Called before this mailbox is permanently deleted.
+ Should cleanup resources, and set the \\Noselect flag
+ on the mailbox.
+ """
+ self.setFlags((self.NOSELECT_FLAG,))
+ self.deleteAllDocs()
+ # XXX removing the mailbox in situ for now,
+ # we should postpone the removal
+ # XXX move to memory store??
+ self._soledad.delete_doc(self._get_mbox_doc())
+ def _close_cb(self, result):
+ self.closed = True
+ def close(self):
+ """
+ Expunge and mark as closed
+ """
+ d = self.expunge()
+ d.addCallback(self._close_cb)
+ return d
+ def expunge(self):
+ """
+ Remove all messages flagged \\Deleted
+ """
+ if not self.isWriteable():
+ raise imap4.ReadOnlyMailbox
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ self._memstore.expunge(self.mbox, d)
+ return d
+ def _bound_seq(self, messages_asked):
+ """
+ Put an upper bound to a messages sequence if this is open.
+ :param messages_asked: IDs of the messages.
+ :type messages_asked: MessageSet
+ :rtype: MessageSet
+ """
+ if not messages_asked.last:
+ try:
+ iter(messages_asked)
+ except TypeError:
+ # looks like we cannot iterate
+ try:
+ messages_asked.last = self.last_uid
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ return messages_asked
+ def _filter_msg_seq(self, messages_asked):
+ """
+ Filter a message sequence returning only the ones that do exist in the
+ collection.
+ :param messages_asked: IDs of the messages.
+ :type messages_asked: MessageSet
+ :rtype: set
+ """
+ set_asked = set(messages_asked)
+ set_exist = set(self.messages.all_uid_iter())
+ seq_messg = set_asked.intersection(set_exist)
+ return seq_messg
+ def fetch(self, messages_asked, uid):
+ """
+ Retrieve one or more messages in this mailbox.
+ from rfc 3501: The data items to be fetched can be either a single atom
+ or a parenthesized list.
+ :param messages_asked: IDs of the messages to retrieve information
+ about
+ :type messages_asked: MessageSet
+ :param uid: If true, the IDs are UIDs. They are message sequence IDs
+ otherwise.
+ :type uid: bool
+ :rtype: deferred
+ """
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ self.reactor.callInThread(self._do_fetch, messages_asked, uid, d)
+ do_profile_cmd(d, "FETCH")
+ d.addCallback(self.cb_signal_unread_to_ui)
+ return d
+ # called in thread
+ def _do_fetch(self, messages_asked, uid, d):
+ """
+ :param messages_asked: IDs of the messages to retrieve information
+ about
+ :type messages_asked: MessageSet
+ :param uid: If true, the IDs are UIDs. They are message sequence IDs
+ otherwise.
+ :type uid: bool
+ :param d: deferred whose callback will be called with result.
+ :type d: Deferred
+ :rtype: A tuple of two-tuples of message sequence numbers and
+ LeapMessage
+ """
+ # For the moment our UID is sequential, so we
+ # can treat them all the same.
+ # Change this to the flag that twisted expects when we
+ # switch to content-hash based index + local UID table.
+ sequence = False
+ #sequence = True if uid == 0 else False
+ messages_asked = self._bound_seq(messages_asked)
+ seq_messg = self._filter_msg_seq(messages_asked)
+ getmsg = lambda uid: self.messages.get_msg_by_uid(uid)
+ # for sequence numbers (uid = 0)
+ if sequence:
+ logger.debug("Getting msg by index: INEFFICIENT call!")
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ else:
+ got_msg = ((msgid, getmsg(msgid)) for msgid in seq_messg)
+ result = ((msgid, msg) for msgid, msg in got_msg
+ if msg is not None)
+ self.reactor.callLater(0, self.unset_recent_flags, seq_messg)
+ self.reactor.callFromThread(d.callback, result)
+ def fetch_flags(self, messages_asked, uid):
+ """
+ A fast method to fetch all flags, tricking just the
+ needed subset of the MIME interface that's needed to satisfy
+ a generic FLAGS query.
+ Given how LEAP Mail is supposed to work without local cache,
+ this query is going to be quite common, and also we expect
+ it to be in the form 1:* at the beginning of a session, so
+ it's not bad to fetch all the FLAGS docs at once.
+ :param messages_asked: IDs of the messages to retrieve information
+ about
+ :type messages_asked: MessageSet
+ :param uid: If 1, the IDs are UIDs. They are message sequence IDs
+ otherwise.
+ :type uid: int
+ :return: A tuple of two-tuples of message sequence numbers and
+ flagsPart, which is a only a partial implementation of
+ MessagePart.
+ :rtype: tuple
+ """
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ self.reactor.callInThread(self._do_fetch_flags, messages_asked, uid, d)
+ do_profile_cmd(d, "FETCH-ALL-FLAGS")
+ return d
+ # called in thread
+ def _do_fetch_flags(self, messages_asked, uid, d):
+ """
+ :param messages_asked: IDs of the messages to retrieve information
+ about
+ :type messages_asked: MessageSet
+ :param uid: If 1, the IDs are UIDs. They are message sequence IDs
+ otherwise.
+ :type uid: int
+ :param d: deferred whose callback will be called with result.
+ :type d: Deferred
+ :rtype: A tuple of two-tuples of message sequence numbers and
+ flagsPart
+ """
+ class flagsPart(object):
+ def __init__(self, uid, flags):
+ self.uid = uid
+ self.flags = flags
+ def getUID(self):
+ return self.uid
+ def getFlags(self):
+ return map(str, self.flags)
+ messages_asked = self._bound_seq(messages_asked)
+ seq_messg = self._filter_msg_seq(messages_asked)
+ all_flags = self._memstore.all_flags(self.mbox)
+ result = ((msgid, flagsPart(
+ msgid, all_flags.get(msgid, tuple()))) for msgid in seq_messg)
+ self.reactor.callFromThread(d.callback, result)
+ def fetch_headers(self, messages_asked, uid):
+ """
+ A fast method to fetch all headers, tricking just the
+ needed subset of the MIME interface that's needed to satisfy
+ a generic HEADERS query.
+ Given how LEAP Mail is supposed to work without local cache,
+ this query is going to be quite common, and also we expect
+ it to be in the form 1:* at the beginning of a session, so
+ **MAYBE** it's not too bad to fetch all the HEADERS docs at once.
+ :param messages_asked: IDs of the messages to retrieve information
+ about
+ :type messages_asked: MessageSet
+ :param uid: If true, the IDs are UIDs. They are message sequence IDs
+ otherwise.
+ :type uid: bool
+ :return: A tuple of two-tuples of message sequence numbers and
+ headersPart, which is a only a partial implementation of
+ MessagePart.
+ :rtype: tuple
+ """
+ # TODO how often is thunderbird doing this?
+ class headersPart(object):
+ def __init__(self, uid, headers):
+ self.uid = uid
+ self.headers = headers
+ def getUID(self):
+ return self.uid
+ def getHeaders(self, _):
+ return dict(
+ (str(key), str(value))
+ for key, value in
+ self.headers.items())
+ messages_asked = self._bound_seq(messages_asked)
+ seq_messg = self._filter_msg_seq(messages_asked)
+ all_headers = self.messages.all_headers()
+ result = ((msgid, headersPart(
+ msgid, all_headers.get(msgid, {})))
+ for msgid in seq_messg)
+ return result
+ def cb_signal_unread_to_ui(self, result):
+ """
+ Sends unread event to ui.
+ Used as a callback in several commands.
+ :param result: ignored
+ """
+ d = self._get_unseen_deferred()
+ d.addCallback(self.__cb_signal_unread_to_ui)
+ return result
+ @deferred_to_thread
+ def _get_unseen_deferred(self):
+ return self.getUnseenCount()
+ def __cb_signal_unread_to_ui(self, unseen):
+ """
+ Send the unread signal to UI.
+ :param unseen: number of unseen messages.
+ :type unseen: int
+ """
+ leap_events.signal(IMAP_UNREAD_MAIL, str(unseen))
+ def store(self, messages_asked, flags, mode, uid):
+ """
+ Sets the flags of one or more messages.
+ :param messages: The identifiers of the messages to set the flags
+ :type messages: A MessageSet object with the list of messages requested
+ :param flags: The flags to set, unset, or add.
+ :type flags: sequence of str
+ :param mode: If mode is -1, these flags should be removed from the
+ specified messages. If mode is 1, these flags should be
+ added to the specified messages. If mode is 0, all
+ existing flags should be cleared and these flags should be
+ added.
+ :type mode: -1, 0, or 1
+ :param uid: If true, the IDs specified in the query are UIDs;
+ otherwise they are message sequence IDs.
+ :type uid: bool
+ :return: A deferred, that will be called with a dict mapping message
+ sequence numbers to sequences of str representing the flags
+ set on the message after this operation has been performed.
+ :rtype: deferred
+ :raise ReadOnlyMailbox: Raised if this mailbox is not open for
+ read-write.
+ """
+ if not self.isWriteable():
+ log.msg('read only mailbox!')
+ raise imap4.ReadOnlyMailbox
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ self.reactor.callLater(0, self._do_store, messages_asked, flags,
+ mode, uid, d)
+ do_profile_cmd(d, "STORE")
+ d.addCallback(self.cb_signal_unread_to_ui)
+ d.addErrback(lambda f: log.msg(f.getTraceback()))
+ return d
+ def _do_store(self, messages_asked, flags, mode, uid, observer):
+ """
+ Helper method, invoke set_flags method in the MessageCollection.
+ See the documentation for the `store` method for the parameters.
+ :param observer: a deferred that will be called with the dictionary
+ mapping UIDs to flags after the operation has been
+ done.
+ :type observer: deferred
+ """
+ # XXX implement also sequence (uid = 0)
+ # XXX we should prevent client from setting Recent flag?
+ leap_assert(not isinstance(flags, basestring),
+ "flags cannot be a string")
+ flags = tuple(flags)
+ messages_asked = self._bound_seq(messages_asked)
+ seq_messg = self._filter_msg_seq(messages_asked)
+ self.messages.set_flags(self.mbox, seq_messg, flags, mode, observer)
+ # ISearchableMailbox
+ def search(self, query, uid):
+ """
+ Search for messages that meet the given query criteria.
+ Warning: this is half-baked, and it might give problems since
+ it offers the SearchableInterface.
+ We'll be implementing it asap.
+ :param query: The search criteria
+ :type query: list
+ :param uid: If true, the IDs specified in the query are UIDs;
+ otherwise they are message sequence IDs.
+ :type uid: bool
+ :return: A list of message sequence numbers or message UIDs which
+ match the search criteria or a C{Deferred} whose callback
+ will be invoked with such a list.
+ :rtype: C{list} or C{Deferred}
+ """
+ # TODO see if we can raise w/o interrupting flow
+ #:raise IllegalQueryError: Raised when query is not valid.
+ # example query:
+ # ['UNDELETED', 'HEADER', 'Message-ID',
+ # '']
+ # TODO hardcoding for now! -- we'll support generic queries later on
+ # but doing a quickfix for avoiding duplicat saves in the draft folder.
+ # See issue #4209
+ if len(query) > 2:
+ if query[1] == 'HEADER' and query[2].lower() == "message-id":
+ msgid = str(query[3]).strip()
+ logger.debug("Searching for %s" % (msgid,))
+ d = self.messages._get_uid_from_msgid(str(msgid))
+ d1 = defer.gatherResults([d])
+ # we want a list, so return it all the same
+ return d1
+ # nothing implemented for any other query
+ logger.warning("Cannot process query: %s" % (query,))
+ return []
+ # IMessageCopier
+ def copy(self, message):
+ """
+ Copy the given message object into this mailbox.
+ :param message: an IMessage implementor
+ :type message: LeapMessage
+ :return: a deferred that will be fired with the message
+ uid when the copy succeed.
+ :rtype: Deferred
+ """
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ do_profile_cmd(d, "COPY")
+ # A better place for this would be the COPY/APPEND dispatcher
+ # in, but qtreactor hangs when I do that, so this seems
+ # to work fine for now.
+ d.addCallback(lambda r: self.reactor.callLater(0, self.notify_new))
+ deferLater(self.reactor, 0, self._do_copy, message, d)
+ return d
+ def _do_copy(self, message, observer):
+ """
+ Call invoked from the deferLater in `copy`. This will
+ copy the flags and header documents, and pass them to the
+ `create_message` method in the MemoryStore, together with
+ the observer deferred that we've been passed along.
+ :param message: an IMessage implementor
+ :type message: LeapMessage
+ :param observer: the deferred that will fire with the
+ UID of the message
+ :type observer: Deferred
+ """
+ memstore = self._memstore
+ def createCopy(result):
+ exist, new_fdoc = result
+ if exist:
+ # Should we signal error on the callback?
+ logger.warning("Destination message already exists!")
+ # XXX I'm not sure if we should raise the
+ # errback. This actually rases an ugly warning
+ # in some muas like thunderbird.
+ # UID 0 seems a good convention for no uid.
+ observer.callback(0)
+ else:
+ mbox = self.mbox
+ uid_next = memstore.increment_last_soledad_uid(mbox)
+ new_fdoc[self.UID_KEY] = uid_next
+ new_fdoc[self.MBOX_KEY] = mbox
+ flags = list(new_fdoc[self.FLAGS_KEY])
+ flags.append(fields.RECENT_FLAG)
+ new_fdoc[self.FLAGS_KEY] = tuple(set(flags))
+ # FIXME set recent!
+ self._memstore.create_message(
+ self.mbox, uid_next,
+ MessageWrapper(new_fdoc),
+ observer=observer,
+ notify_on_disk=False)
+ d = self._get_msg_copy(message)
+ d.addCallback(createCopy)
+ d.addErrback(lambda f: log.msg(f.getTraceback()))
+ @deferred_to_thread
+ def _get_msg_copy(self, message):
+ """
+ Get a copy of the fdoc for this message, and check whether
+ it already exists.
+ :param message: an IMessage implementor
+ :type message: LeapMessage
+ :return: exist, new_fdoc
+ :rtype: tuple
+ """
+ # XXX for clarity, this could be delegated to a
+ # MessageCollection mixin that implements copy too, and
+ # moved out of here.
+ msg = message
+ memstore = self._memstore
+ if empty(msg.fdoc):
+ logger.warning("Tried to copy a MSG with no fdoc")
+ return
+ new_fdoc = copy.deepcopy(msg.fdoc.content)
+ fdoc_chash = new_fdoc[fields.CONTENT_HASH_KEY]
+ dest_fdoc = memstore.get_fdoc_from_chash(
+ fdoc_chash, self.mbox)
+ exist = not empty(dest_fdoc)
+ return exist, new_fdoc
+ # convenience fun
+ def deleteAllDocs(self):
+ """
+ Delete all docs in this mailbox
+ """
+ docs = self.messages.get_all_docs()
+ for doc in docs:
+ self.messages._soledad.delete_doc(doc)
+ def unset_recent_flags(self, uid_seq):
+ """
+ Unset Recent flag for a sequence of UIDs.
+ """
+ self.messages.unset_recent_flags(uid_seq)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ Representation string for this mailbox.
+ """
+ return u"<SoledadMailbox: mbox '%s' (%s)>" % (
+ self.mbox, self.messages.count())