path: root/src/leap/gui/firstrun/
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authorTomás Touceda <>2013-03-06 15:27:23 -0300
committerTomás Touceda <>2013-03-06 15:27:23 -0300
commit5ff29dc57e2877a14e705d09b7042cddf4165d0a (patch)
tree18e5817a105f0aaa7a9a752f7b644e44a6c867bc /src/leap/gui/firstrun/
parente23553caaf93a734578b02f9130dee38161d0e22 (diff)
Remove everything to start from scratch
Diffstat (limited to 'src/leap/gui/firstrun/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 387 deletions
diff --git a/src/leap/gui/firstrun/ b/src/leap/gui/firstrun/
deleted file mode 100644
index 15278330..00000000
--- a/src/leap/gui/firstrun/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-Register User Page, used in First Run Wizard
-import json
-import logging
-import socket
-import requests
-from PyQt4 import QtCore
-from PyQt4 import QtGui
-from leap.gui.firstrun.mixins import UserFormMixIn
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-from leap.base import auth
-from leap.gui import styles
-from leap.gui.constants import APP_LOGO, BARE_USERNAME_REGEX
-from leap.gui.progress import InlineValidationPage
-from leap.gui.styles import ErrorLabelStyleSheet
-class RegisterUserPage(InlineValidationPage, UserFormMixIn):
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- super(RegisterUserPage, self).__init__(parent)
- self.current_page = "signup"
- self.setTitle("Sign Up"))
- # subtitle is set in the initializePage
- self.setPixmap(
- QtGui.QWizard.LogoPixmap,
- QtGui.QPixmap(APP_LOGO))
- # commit page means there's no way back after this...
- # XXX should change the text on the "commit" button...
- self.setCommitPage(True)
- self.setupSteps()
- self.setupUI()
- self.do_confirm_next = False
- self.focused_field = False
- def setupUI(self):
- userNameLabel = QtGui.QLabel("User &name:"))
- userNameLineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit()
- userNameLineEdit.cursorPositionChanged.connect(
- self.reset_validation_status)
- userNameLabel.setBuddy(userNameLineEdit)
- # let's add regex validator
- usernameRe = QtCore.QRegExp(BARE_USERNAME_REGEX)
- userNameLineEdit.setValidator(
- QtGui.QRegExpValidator(usernameRe, self))
- self.userNameLineEdit = userNameLineEdit
- userPasswordLabel = QtGui.QLabel("&Password:"))
- self.userPasswordLineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit()
- self.userPasswordLineEdit.setEchoMode(
- QtGui.QLineEdit.Password)
- userPasswordLabel.setBuddy(self.userPasswordLineEdit)
- userPassword2Label = QtGui.QLabel("Password (again):"))
- self.userPassword2LineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit()
- self.userPassword2LineEdit.setEchoMode(
- QtGui.QLineEdit.Password)
- userPassword2Label.setBuddy(self.userPassword2LineEdit)
- rememberPasswordCheckBox = QtGui.QCheckBox(
-"&Remember username and password."))
- rememberPasswordCheckBox.setChecked(True)
- self.registerField('userName*', self.userNameLineEdit)
- self.registerField('userPassword*', self.userPasswordLineEdit)
- self.registerField('userPassword2*', self.userPassword2LineEdit)
- # XXX missing password confirmation
- # XXX validator!
- self.registerField('rememberPassword', rememberPasswordCheckBox)
- layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
- layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, 20)
- validationMsg = QtGui.QLabel("")
- validationMsg.setStyleSheet(ErrorLabelStyleSheet)
- self.validationMsg = validationMsg
- layout.addWidget(validationMsg, 0, 3)
- layout.addWidget(userNameLabel, 1, 0)
- layout.addWidget(self.userNameLineEdit, 1, 3)
- layout.addWidget(userPasswordLabel, 2, 0)
- layout.addWidget(userPassword2Label, 3, 0)
- layout.addWidget(self.userPasswordLineEdit, 2, 3)
- layout.addWidget(self.userPassword2LineEdit, 3, 3)
- layout.addWidget(rememberPasswordCheckBox, 4, 3, 4, 4)
- # add validation frame
- self.setupValidationFrame()
- layout.addWidget(self.valFrame, 5, 2, 5, 2)
- self.valFrame.hide()
- self.setLayout(layout)
- self.commitText("Sign up!")
- # commit button
- def commitText(self, text):
- # change "commit" button text
- self.setButtonText(
- QtGui.QWizard.CommitButton, text)
- @property
- def commitButton(self):
- return self.wizard().button(QtGui.QWizard.CommitButton)
- def commitFocus(self):
- self.commitButton.setFocus()
- def disableCommitButton(self):
- self.commitButton.setDisabled(True)
- def disableFields(self):
- for field in (self.userNameLineEdit,
- self.userPasswordLineEdit,
- self.userPassword2LineEdit):
- field.setDisabled(True)
- # error painting
- def paintEvent(self, event):
- """
- we hook our populate errors
- on paintEvent because we need it to catch
- when user enters the page coming from next,
- and initializePage does not cover that case.
- Maybe there's a better event to hook upon.
- """
- super(RegisterUserPage, self).paintEvent(event)
- self.populateErrors()
- def markRedAndGetFocus(self, field):
- field.setStyleSheet(styles.ErrorLineEdit)
- if not self.focused_field:
- self.focused_field = True
- field.setFocus(QtCore.Qt.OtherFocusReason)
- def markRegular(self, field):
- field.setStyleSheet(styles.RegularLineEdit)
- def populateErrors(self):
- def showerr(text):
- self.validationMsg.setText(text)
- err_lower = text.lower()
- if "username" in err_lower:
- self.markRedAndGetFocus(
- self.userNameLineEdit)
- if "password" in err_lower:
- self.markRedAndGetFocus(
- self.userPasswordLineEdit)
- def unmarkred():
- for field in (self.userNameLineEdit,
- self.userPasswordLineEdit,
- self.userPassword2LineEdit):
- self.markRegular(field)
- errors = self.wizard().get_validation_error(
- self.current_page)
- if errors:
- bad_str = getattr(self, 'bad_string', None)
- cur_str = self.userNameLineEdit.text()
- #prev_er = getattr(self, 'prevalidation_error', None)
- if bad_str is None:
- # first time we fall here.
- # save the current bad_string value
- self.bad_string = cur_str
- showerr(errors)
- else:
- #if prev_er:
- #showerr(prev_er)
- #return
- # not the first time
- if cur_str == bad_str:
- showerr(errors)
- else:
- self.focused_field = False
- showerr('')
- unmarkred()
- else:
- # no errors
- self.focused_field = False
- unmarkred()
- def cleanup_errormsg(self):
- """
- we reset bad_string to None
- should be called before leaving the page
- """
- self.bad_string = None
- def green_validation_status(self):
- val = self.validationMsg
- val.setText('Registration succeeded!'))
- val.setStyleSheet(styles.GreenLineEdit)
- def reset_validation_status(self):
- """
- empty the validation msg
- and clean the inline validation widget.
- """
- self.validationMsg.setText('')
- self.steps.removeAllSteps()
- self.clearTable()
- # actual checks
- def _do_checks(self):
- """
- generator that yields actual checks
- that are executed in a separate thread
- """
- wizard = self.wizard()
- provider = self.field('provider_domain')
- username = self.userNameLineEdit.text()
- password = self.userPasswordLineEdit.text()
- password2 = self.userPassword2LineEdit.text()
- pconfig = wizard.eipconfigchecker(domain=provider)
- pconfig.defaultprovider.load()
- pconfig.set_api_domain()
- def checkpass():
- # we better have here
- # some call to a password checker...
- # to assess strenght and avoid silly stuff.
- if password != password2:
- return'Password does not match..'))
- if len(password) < 6:
- #self.set_prevalidation_error('Password too short.')
- return'Password too short.'))
- if password == "123456":
- # joking, but not too much.
- #self.set_prevalidation_error('Password too obvious.')
- return'Password too obvious.'))
- # go
- return True
- yield(("head_sentinel", 0), checkpass)
- # XXX should emit signal for .show the frame!
- ##################################################
- # 1) register user
- ##################################################
- # show the frame before going on...
- QtCore.QMetaObject.invokeMethod(
- self, "showStepsFrame")
- def register():
- signup = auth.LeapSRPRegister(
- schema="https",
- provider=pconfig.apidomain,
- verify=pconfig.cacert)
- try:
- ok, req = signup.register_user(
- username, password)
- except socket.timeout:
- return
-"Error connecting to provider (timeout)"))
- except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as exc:
- logger.error(exc.message)
- return
-'Error Connecting to provider (connerr).'))
- except Exception as exc:
- return
- # XXX check for != OK instead???
- if req.status_code in (404, 500):
- return
- "Error during registration (%s)") % req.status_code)
- try:
- validation_msgs = json.loads(req.content)
- errors = validation_msgs.get('errors', None)
- logger.debug('validation errors: %s' % validation_msgs)
- except ValueError:
- # probably bad json returned
- return
- "Could not register (bad response)"))
- if errors and errors.get('login', None):
- # XXX this sometimes catch the blank username
- # but we're not allowing that (soon)
- return
-'Username not available.'))
- return True
- logger.debug('registering user')
- yield(("Registering username", 40), register)
- self.set_done()
- yield(("end_sentinel", 100), lambda: None)
- def on_checks_validation_ready(self):
- """
- after checks
- """
- if self.is_done():
- self.disableFields()
- self.cleanup_errormsg()
- self.clean_wizard_errors(self.current_page)
- # make the user confirm the transition
- # to next page.
- self.commitText('Connect!')
- self.commitFocus()
- self.green_validation_status()
- self.do_confirm_next = True
- # pagewizard methods
- def validatePage(self):
- """
- if not register done, do checks.
- if done, wait for click.
- """
- self.disableCommitButton()
- self.cleanup_errormsg()
- self.clean_wizard_errors(self.current_page)
- # After a successful validation
- # (ie, success register with server)
- # we change the commit button text
- # and set this flag to True.
- if self.do_confirm_next:
- return True
- if not self.is_done():
- # calls checks, which after successful
- # execution will call on_checks_validation_ready
- self.reset_validation_status()
- self.do_checks()
- return self.is_done()
- def initializePage(self):
- """
- inits wizard page
- """
- provider = unicode(self.field('provider_domain'))
- if provider:
- # here we should have provider
- # but in tests we might not.
- # XXX this error causes a segfault on free()
- # that we might want to get fixed ...
- #self.setSubTitle(
-"Register a new user with provider %s.") %
- #provider)
- self.setSubTitle(
-"Register a new user with provider <em>%s</em>" %
- provider))
- self.validationMsg.setText('')
- self.userPassword2LineEdit.setText('')
- self.valFrame.hide()
- def nextId(self):
- wizard = self.wizard()
- return wizard.get_page_index('connect')